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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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F_d... back off. If you don't have something useful to post in this particular thread (ie something other than attacking other users because I'm sick and tired of it), then refrain from posting or get a diary and write what you think in it. I really don't care. This is ONE thread which has NO SPAM in it. If you want to fight, take it out on some other thread and leave this one clean.


+1... Actually... +100....


RyanMaverick is a nice guy, means well and I hope he gets into med school this cycle, with his MCAT score and course of study, he is well on his way.

I wish him well.


Inadvertantly and by attacking me as a spammer of useless posts in this public forum, he has has supplied the fuel and match for YorkMan, the sad and lonely member, to create another hate thread against f_d.


This is counterproductive and destructive to the goals of this forum, self-help. Needless to say, I have reviewed RyanMaverick's posts on this forum and many can be considered as spam and useless, which is true for all of us if each is looked at separately and out of context.


The big picture is: what is the contribution of each of us in helping others? Sure fun times and some stipid posts too.


But our individual contributions to others is what counts. In this department, I hold my head high in both the public forum and by PMs.


And what RyanMaverick perceives of f_d is entirely irrelevant as is what he preceives other members perceive. He need only add f_d to his 'ignore' list! I ask myself what contributions to members has RyanMaverick made. It is just not possible to believe in coincidence in the proximity in timing of RyanMaverick's attack and the latest hateful post of YorkMan, who is also obsessed over f_d.


I ask RyanMaverick and others for the sake of us all as responsible person to refrain from such attacks, thereby encoiuraging others regardless of intentions. And, RyanMaverick, it is time for you to look in the mirror. These vicious attacks are not positive and do not contribute to harmony. RyanMaverick, you have waved the red flag before YorkMan. You are now the problem.


you talk in third-person now? hahaha


Lol.... F_d do you talk in third person in real life too? Seriously.... what's the point of it?:confused:




EDIT: PS.... Future_doc.... it's really becoming a 'pot calling the kettle black' situation. Here you are calling out people that are being rude to you on the boards (or what you perceive to be as rude) but you're doing the same thing they are. In the exact same (if not a worse) manner. Last I checked, we're not in kindergarten anymore- the "he/she started it" situation doesn't work. When (or if) you become a doc (or heck, in life in general), there will be people that will question you and have opinions and ideas different than your own. Belittling others for voicing their opinions/thoughts that disagree with your own is not the way to go. If you can't realize that you are doing EXACTLY (if not worse) what they are doing, then you need to take a step back and examine your posts more objectively. Please keep the bickering and BS out of the WED thread. It's really not necessary. And learn how to deal with people that are rude to you. Chances are you'll come across some in your future career, and I seriously doubt calling a patient names and telling them they're essentially an "idiot"/"stupid" is not the best way to handle the situation. You'll have to deal with much worse than this, and I hope you eventually learn how to deal with it professionally/civilly/properly.

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Holy mother....


Two weeks time: a midterm worth 30% of my grade based on two chapters. Just two. The eye and spatial vision. ****.


Neuroscience: 4 midterms! 3 Lab exams! 1 Midterm! HOLY ****....other than that, I love these courses.


Hahahahha.... sucker. :P Kidding. I have a course which is required for one of my certificates and it has NO final. LMAO. Just 2 midterms and a paper. Oh man. The other one has a final but it's usually at the beginning of December. Time to book a vacation! lol

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So............major success recruiting for the UTSC Red Cross! First day and I think we got over 50 names. :D :D :D


In other news, some idiot crossed the road AGAINST the light and was run over by a car that was turning left on a left green arrow. I hate people who do this. The result was the guy in hospital with life threatening injuries, a massive traffic jam and dozens of first years late to their first undergrad class.


All because someone couldn't wait a few more seconds before crossing.:mad:

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Holy mother....


Two weeks time: a midterm worth 30% of my grade based on two chapters. Just two. The eye and spatial vision. ****.


Neuroscience: 4 midterms! 3 Lab exams! 1 Midterm! HOLY ****....other than that, I love these courses.


Neuro sounds like biochem here. Three quizzes (which are, essentially, midterms), an actual midterm and a final.


I've got one course this year which has no exams. It's a team research course and 70% of my grade goes to a final written paper. :eek:

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Hahahahha.... sucker. :P Kidding. I have a course which is required for one of my certificates and it has NO final. LMAO. Just 2 midterms and a paper. Oh man. The other one has a final but it's usually at the beginning of December. Time to book a vacation! lol



Can you explain the concept of this certificate to me? I'm doing a neuroscience certificate...it looks like a minor....same concept?

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Can you explain the concept of this certificate to me? I'm doing a neuroscience certificate...it looks like a minor....same concept?


Yeah. Not really. It's more of a specialization than a minor. It's a certificate in ergonomics which I'm doing this semester and then rolling into grad studies starting January. So it doesn't take long to finish.


However, this particular course is open to all students and it's also neuro - Neuromuscular Integration. :)

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Neuro sounds like biochem here. Three quizzes (which are, essentially, midterms), an actual midterm and a final.


I've got one course this year which has no exams. It's a team research course and 70% of my grade goes to a final written paper. :eek:


YAY! Love those courses. Haha. What's the course?

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YAY! Love those courses. Haha. What's the course?


It's new. BIOC99. Third year team research and we are the only team doing it so our lectures consist of just the 3 of us and the prof lol. I think there are just 3 lectures. The research topic is kind of awesome: We're dealing with sibling cannibalism among spiderlings inside egg sacs prior to hatching (yes, the things each each other before they're even born).

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So............major success recruiting for the UTSC Red Cross! First day and I think we got over 50 names. :D :D :D


In other news, some idiot crossed the road AGAINST the light and was run over by a car that was turning left on a left green arrow. I hate people who do this. The result was the guy in hospital with life threatening injuries, a massive traffic jam and dozens of first years late to their first undergrad class.


All because someone couldn't wait a few more seconds before crossing.:mad:


And the driver will still have emotional problems for years to come. Crappy.


Why are you recruiting for Red Cross? Blood Drive? Financial??

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It's new. BIOC99. Third year team research and we are the only team doing it so our lectures consist of just the 3 of us and the prof lol. I think there are just 3 lectures. The research topic is kind of awesome: We're dealing with sibling cannibalism among spiderlings inside egg sacs prior to hatching (yes, the things each each other before they're even born).


Awesome. We have a seminar in kinesiology here. Same set-up as your course but students get to present a paper every week which is pretty neat. However, I'm not allowed to participate in this because I'm a grad student (boooooooooo). Meh, I got some VERY interesting projects waiting for me so I'm not too bummed out. :D

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I went back to my undergrad school today and saw this guy who told me he got into med at UofO. So I go up to him and ask him what he's doing not at school and he told me he had to pick some stuff up. I asked a current UofO 1st year who also knows this guy if they're in the same class, and he said he's not. Now I can't really figure out why the guy lied.

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Why are you recruiting for Red Cross? Blood Drive? Financial??


There's a Red Cross Youth Group on campus and I'm part of it so we need lots of members to carry out our events. The best one last year is when everyone got together to make hundreds of sandwiches and then give them out to homeless people downtown.



Is it normal to feel so guilt-ridden when asking for reference letters?



I'm just dreading that already. I will HATE HATE HATE that part of the app.

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So............major success recruiting for the UTSC Red Cross! First day and I think we got over 50 names. :D


In other news, some idiot crossed the road AGAINST the light and was run over by a car that was turning left on a left green arrow. I hate people who do this. The result was the guy in hospital with life threatening injuries, a massive traffic jam and dozens of first years late to their first undergrad class.


All because someone couldn't wait a few more seconds before crossing.:mad:


None of those 50 people will ever come to a club meeting after the It exam. :P


And it seems you've more concerned with being late to class than the guy's life. Very Uoft of you. :P

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None of those 50 people will ever come to a club meeting after the It exam. :P


And it seems you've more concerned with being late to class than the guy's life. Very Uoft of you.


Most paid to join so I expect at least some of those to show up. Either way, we're good as long as we have about 20 people this year and I think we'll have that (lots of keeners too. It was quite easy to glamorize them with RC ref letters and all ha ha. Incidentally, you're registered with us :rolleyes: )


I've no sympathy for the guy. Crossing massive intersections like that at 6am on RED is just asking for trouble. And the light always turns green (ie. you don't need to push a button) so no excuses. And people who cross when the left traffic arrow is on cause left turning traffic to freeze, resulting in delays and dangerous situations. Traffic regulations are there for a reason.


Bro, stfu. You know your Prof will write you 10 amazing and original reference letters in a row. :P


:D But that's just one. I've two more to think about (though one *might* be another prof who also is very efficient).


First day and I'm procrastinating already! lol. I shall follow in Dee's footsteps since they apparently work

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Most paid to join so I expect at least some of those to show up. Either way, we're good as long as we have about 20 people this year and I think we'll have that (lots of keeners too. It was quite easy to glamorize them with RC ref letters and all ha ha. Incidentally, you're registered with us :rolleyes: )


I've no sympathy for the guy. Crossing massive intersections like that at 6am on RED is just asking for trouble. And the light always turns green (ie. you don't need to push a button) so no excuses. And people who cross when the left traffic arrow is on cause left turning traffic to freeze, resulting in delays and dangerous situations. Traffic regulations are there for a reason.


Dude, for all you know he might have been trying to save a baby stroller from rolling into traffic on the traffic on other side of the road. Or maybe just mentally unstable. Don't be so judgmental.




:D But that's just one. I've two more to think about (though one *might* be another prof who also is very efficient).


First day and I'm procrastinating already! lol. I shall follow in Dee's footsteps since they apparently work


Yea yea. I know of the other reference you have. And how every prof loves you. :P

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So I had to go to surgical rounds today with all the attendings and residents and it was my first day on this ward. We're sitting around waiting for them to start and it's already 15 mins past start time. I ask why we're still waiting, and they say "oh just wait, you'll see". A few minutes later the last attending shows up with a case of beer. Then they tell me "ok, NOW we can get started".


So around the table went "are you on call, no? *throws beer*"


I can safely say that's the first time I've ever had a beer in the hospital. It was pretty cool until they started drilling us with questions anyways.

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