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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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You are blessed Cnussey to have your wonderful children who love and need you so and your other activities that keep you active and busy while you sort out your life.


It is too raw and too soon to know what will happen with your life personally and for sure, this transition must be brutal and lonely. Time and circumstances will tsake care of you and being strong as you are and having your kids as your anchor. you will be fine when you get back into the light once more.

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I have just discovered a(nother) pitfall of being so short/young looking.... I'm helping out coaching some skaters, and one of them is 14. Which is fine (I'm coaching another one that's 16 and she's just great) but she has ZERO worth ethic. Which would be fine, but she gets in everyone's way. Which would be fine (or not so bad) on the junior session, which she should be on, but she's on the senior session. Which wouldn't be so bad if her "regular coach" (I'm just the co-coach) was there today, but she's not. Which would be fine, but today I'm the "coach" of hers. Meaning that when she's not working/getting in people's way/fooking around on the ice, I have to give her hell. Which would be fine if she listened, but she doesn't. Which would be fine, but she's wasting my damn practice time during my damn session by me having to keep going over to her since I'm her "coach":mad:. Which is made even worse because I get the teenager freaking attitude/eyeroll when I do go over and talk to her nicely and explain how a session is supposed to work/what she should be working on/whatever else. Today was also literally the first day I taught her as well, so I didn't want to be all uber-*****-coach on the first day, but it really pisses me off when people waste my practice time on the ice AND give me attitude when I go over to help them/give them instruction:mad:


How the hell do I crack the whip with someone who quite obviously doesn't want to be there working, when I have to try and practice at the same time AND to someone who obviously doesn't take me seriously because even when I was giving her her lesson she had the "why should I listen to you you aren't old enough to coach me" look on her face?! (I would also like to take this opportunity to point out the irony in this fact, since I'm actually older than her regular coach... I just look younger because I'm probably literally like at least 10 inches shorter... haha)


I really hope this is just me PMSing or something or else this is going to be a long year of Mondays :S


/rant... Lol... I suppose all the kids I teach can't be angels- I've got to have at least one problem child:rolleyes:


On a totally different note, while doing my med apps today I was eating a fortune cookie... And my fortune said: "Be a good sport and you can't fail".... I like the sounds of that! hehe!


EDIT: Possible solution #1.... Making her a practice schedule she has to follow and record that she did complete all the tasks. Possible solution #2... Grow a few inches so I look older and can look down at her and be more intimidating instead of just barely being at eye level...... I think solution 1 has better odds of working......

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If anyone EVER tells me that reflexes are simple and involuntary actions, I just might have to hunt them down and make them swallow some of the studies done in the past 10 years. Oh York - you're so f*ing outdated and now I'm suffering because of you!!!!!


they may not be simple, but they certainly are involuntary.

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As a follow-up to my rant yesterday, apparently it wasn't me just being *****y... I talked to her main coach and apparently after only one lesson, this coach is ready to drop the skater as a student:eek:. Apparently I'm slightly more patient with her than I thought:rolleyes:... I was just going to try and be stricter/make up a practice schedule for her. I don't feel quite so bad about how frustrated I was yesterday now! Haha! The bad thing is, if she gets dropped by that coach... then I'll probably be the one that will end up being her main coach since no one else will take her.................

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they may not be simple, but they certainly are involuntary.


Apparently they're not - according to one of the top researchers in the field. They can be modified and modulated voluntarily. How you may ask? That's the part of the lecture I'm missing - part of it I got lost. They are rapid though. Also, apparently you can manipulate them. Some of the brand new research shows this - I haven't had the chance to take a look at the journal articles just yet.

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Apparently they're not - according to one of the top researchers in the field. They can be modified and modulated voluntarily. How you may ask? That's the part of the lecture I'm missing - part of it I got lost. They are rapid though. Also, apparently you can manipulate them. Some of the brand new research shows this - I haven't had the chance to take a look at the journal articles just yet.


that's so cool! But considering the time frame of reflexes, how would have the time to voluntarily affect it?



In other news, I just had a 13 hour day on campus with a one hr break. And I have to read a book before sunrise (so no sleep 2nite :( ) and attend a lab meeting tomorrow and begin work tomorrow and prepare for a mid term, prep for a group study session and.......


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that's so cool! But considering the time frame of reflexes, how would have the time to voluntarily affect it?



In other news, I just had a 13 hour day on campus with a one hr break. And I have to read a book before sunrise (so no sleep 2nite :( ) and attend a lab meeting tomorrow and begin work tomorrow and prepare for a mid term, prep for a group study session and.......



Ouch! Oh the life of a premed!!!

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Apparently they're not - according to one of the top researchers in the field. They can be modified and modulated voluntarily. How you may ask? That's the part of the lecture I'm missing - part of it I got lost. They are rapid though. Also, apparently you can manipulate them. Some of the brand new research shows this - I haven't had the chance to take a look at the journal articles just yet.


that's so cool! But considering the time frame of reflexes, how would have the time to voluntarily affect it?



In other news, I just had a 13 hour day on campus with a one hr break. And I have to read a book before sunrise (so no sleep 2nite :( ) and attend a lab meeting tomorrow and begin work tomorrow and prepare for a mid term, prep for a group study session and.......



yah, I get what you're saying Leap. I've learned that there is a top-down component to reflexes as well. This was demonstrated to us in a physiology lab. If you tell someone to interlock their hands and pull as hard as they can (just makes them concentrate hard) and hit their knee with a hammer, they have less of a reflex response than a resting subject.


I thought you were arguing that they were totally voluntary. I found this confusing, haha. Now I get it.

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