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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I agree with Dee about UofT's teaching administration. They don't care jack**** about students.


A prof gave us a particularly hard question for 10 marks on a midterm for no apparent reason. EVERYONE took it up with him in lecture and he basically admitted that it was unseasonably hard and, when asked what he's gonna do about it, replies:


"Well, you've learned a lesson, and I've learned a lesson too. Let's move on." FML


(He proceeded to say that a few students had gotten the answer so the question was do-able, to which my very gutsy friend replies : "Yeah, we would've too if we had gotten the midterm before hand. Do these "few students" happen to volunteer in your lab?" )


It's hearing about things like this that I am so glad I decided not to go to UofT for UG....



On a different note, I've just spent an hour cleaning my room. I can't believe I let it get that messy and disorganized. At least it's clean now :). Once I finish cleaning and organizing all the stuff I've let slide in the past little while, I'll (hopefully) be able to keep more on top of everything (like my 3 Athabasca U courses that start in a week) better. If my room and everything is better organized, I hope everything else will be too:p


Only one problem with cleaning my room.... I'm not going to be able to find anything now. I knew where everything was (ish) in the mess... now that everything is clean and back where it belongs, I'm not going to be able to find anything!




Anyone see the fight between Rick Rypien and the fan? (

). Totally classless. If you can't handle the catcalls, obviously you need a tougher skin to play in the NHL. Hell, in minor hockey for that matter- my bro used to play hockey and some of those hockey moms were viscious. He should get a huge fine and suspension. This wasn't someone hopping into the penalty box ala Tie Domi.... Geez... I wonder how the league is going to punish this.
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I agree with Dee about UofT's teaching administration. They don't care jack**** about students.


A prof gave us a particularly hard question for 10 marks on a midterm for no apparent reason. EVERYONE took it up with him in lecture and he basically admitted that it was unseasonably hard and, when asked what he's gonna do about it, replies:


"Well, you've learned a lesson, and I've learned a lesson too. Let's move on." FML


(He proceeded to say that a few students had gotten the answer so the question was do-able, to which my very gutsy friend replies : "Yeah, we would've too if we had gotten the midterm before hand. Do these "few students" happen to volunteer in your lab?")


So, between this and the burn out, you realize I wasn't being overly dramatic when I was trying to warn you about the horrors of uoft?


Today I went to check out McGill's formula SAE team. They race a few vehicles in international competitions (for which UofT totally sucked at but McGill apparently is one of the best). I think I somehow ending up joining the team. lol. The members were surprised:


Team captain: What engineering program are you in?


Me: I'm in med.


Team captain: Oh biomedical engineering? What year?


Me: No no. I'm in the medical school.


Team captain: ????


Sometimes I think I should've been an engineer. :rolleyes:


BTW medgames registration is open: http://www.medgames2011.com/w/. My sofabed is exclusively reserved for TypicalPremed since I promised it to him first. :P

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Anyone see the fight between Rick Rypien and the fan? (
). Totally classless. If you can't handle the catcalls, obviously you need a tougher skin to play in the NHL. Hell, in minor hockey for that matter- my bro used to play hockey and some of those hockey moms were viscious. He should get a huge fine and suspension. This wasn't someone hopping into the penalty box ala Tie Domi.... Geez... I wonder how the league is going to punish this.
I saw that on SC. But the Wild have a weird setup in their arena. Most arenas that I've been to have the tunnel for players or have the fans sitting up higher where they can't reach the players. But nothing will top the beating the Bruins players gave Rangers fans at MSG (in the 70s?).
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Its 2:30am and I'm still cramming for my exam at 9. 2 more lectures to go! I swear I'm slacking even more in med school. Pass/fail + being spoon fed everything is not helping my laziness...


hahahah. I'm waiting for the day your studying system FAILS



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lol thanks! I'm one of those people that never notices any anniversaries.


Yeah...doesn't bode well for future relationships


LMAO... I still remember the first time we met. ;)


Off topic: Rachel McAdams in the new InStyle issue looks fabulous. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dresses, hair and make up. Jeez... that girl has grown up to be one of the most gorgeous women.


Oh yes and if I'm ever rich.... I'll be buying stuff from Louis Vuitton.... lol

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Having a total unproductive day today. Instead of working ahead on my courses that start Nov. 1, I was having a discussion with a few of the young skaters at my club about skating pre-COP judging system. Back in the early 00s, Alexei Yagudin was one of my favourite skaters because his footwork was "awesome":

Looking at it now... it's not that difficult- mostly 3-turns and mohawks (I could probably pull it off) but back then it was still "wow" compared to everyone else's! LL, could you imagine someone throwing snow "at" the judges now? :P


I was talking with the young "whippersnappers" telling them how Plushenko hasn't changed much.... but watching his 2002 Olympic performance (

) compared to this year's (
).... he has changed.... He cut down his "flapping arms to distract from the fact his feet aren't doing anything" from 30 secods straight (actually! from 1:58 in the first video to like 2:26!) to only about 5 in 2010.... maybe that's why he didn't win this year- couldn't take a break halfway through? Oh wait, he didn't win in 2002 either..... :P


Only skater that really transferred over well from the 6.0 to the COP is Stephane Lambiel <3 (2006 short program (COP):

). My favourite present-day skater :) LOVE his quad toes! I wish my spins looked a tenth as good as his do (and seeing them on TV totally makes it looks less impressive than in person, believe it or not)!


I do hope to never, ever, ever, ever, in skating again see this at 4:26ish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwWknPW_SMg..... please.... no more speedos on the ice:eek:


Sorry for the random skating stuff.... I'll stop now... maybe do something more productive.... maybe....

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LMAO I used to LOVE Alexei Yagudin...although I think that may have mostly been because of my hatred for Evgeni:o


I don't know who to follow for men's anymore (other than Patrick Chan of course). I loved Jeffrey Buttle, but then he had to go and retire :(

The ladies are really why I watch skating nowadays! Joannie Rochette, Yu-Na Kim, Mao Asada eeeeek so amazing!

and omg I'm soooo excited for Skate Canada next weekend!! I got an all-event pass to it..eeeeeee!! :D

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It would take some guts to throw snow, and it took guts then and now. In alexei's defense, I believe he threw it in the air and not directly at the judges' stand...I did not look up the video so while I remember the snow I dont remember the details.


The nice thing about today's Senior level mens free programs is that they are required to do two step sequences--one of them for difficulty, and the second one is called a 'choreographic step sequence', which is only identified but not given a level of difficulty. It is supposed to be one of those 'bring the fans to their feet' kind of climactic step sequences--quite like Alexei's toe picky, 3 turn/mohawk sequence in his Winter program. Still one of my favorite programs, and I love the outfit he wore for that program. I want a tshirt with the same pattern!


What I liked about Plushenko was his arrogance without coming across as flaming. I know he did NOTHING between the jumps...and his programs were always front loaded, and he liked to stand around and do bizarre hand or arm moves for 'artistic purposes (aka hide his poor stamina). Do you guys remember his Sex Bomb show program? That was hilariousssssss


What skaters to watch today? I think in the Canadian men you still have to keep an eye out for Shawn Sawyer...I wish he could land a triple axel. Of course, Patrick Chan is an important player. In the ladies...well...at the Senior level we really don't have any ladies apart from Joannie who might or might not come back for Canadians. If you want to see ladies skating this year, watch pairs and dance!:D

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LMAO I used to LOVE Alexei Yagudin...although I think that may have mostly been because of my hatred for Evgeni:o


I don't know who to follow for men's anymore (other than Patrick Chan of course). I loved Jeffrey Buttle, but then he had to go and retire :(

The ladies are really why I watch skating nowadays! Joannie Rochette, Yu-Na Kim, Mao Asada eeeeek so amazing!

and omg I'm soooo excited for Skate Canada next weekend!! I got an all-event pass to it..eeeeeee!! :D


I am totally jealous that you're going to SC. I would be there if I wasn't living on the wrong side of the country. I would probably be volunteering...seeing it for free...rubbing shoulders with the athletes ;) i hope you have a great time at the competition!


All my childhood idols are now coaches. It's a weird feeling.

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lol I'm honestly noooooot a huge fan of Shawn Sawyer :( I liked him years ago, but I feel like he just kept disappointing...maybe I should be more supportive...


I LOVE Evan Lysaceck! I think that was a well-deserved Olympic gold medal, he was amazing! As for pairs, I love love love Dube/Davison. The chemistry they have on the ice is just magical, and I really feel like they have the potential go far on the international scene (I hope this is their year!!). I know they got the world bronze a few years back, and I hope they can get back up there!!

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