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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Meh. It is nice to vacation when cities are busy, but I can do without the busy when I'm trying to study.


I'd like to try crossfit someday. It doesn't exist here. Maybe I can get certified to teach and bring it?


Yeah, I debated about trying crossfit for months... I grew weary of the cookie cutter gym (aka fitness world) and felt like an idiot everytime I went in there... it was like going to high school... all the same monkeys pumping their biceps and looking in the mirror. I tried Innovative Fitness and enjoyed it for the first few months, but the cost was not worth it in the end... I live in a smaller suburb outside of Vancouver so my options for crossfit were limited to Vancouver or else one across the way in poco... It's definitely intense.


I'm doing the startfit program where they introduce you to the core principles or crossfit training... I did 75 wall balls in 3m15s... apparently that's fast. The real workout is doing 150 wall balls. I also shoulder pressed 110lbs 6x and could have done more... I felt good about that one (bad shoulder).


For those that don't know- a wall ball is a squat with a medicine ball (14-20lb). As you push up from the squat you throw the ball against a wall and then catch it and repeat... fun times.


Anyways, enjoy Edmonton Kyla- good luck with the espresso hunt!


Oh, and if you want to get certified and teach it you can do that... maybe check out the crossfit website and see who you can contact about training... you'd be perfect as a trainer (based on what I know about you)... it's all about core strength and being versatile. They have a whole bunch of different certifications that you can get like kettlebells, olympic lifts, crossfit training etc.

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I still can't believe this story:






It was wrong of the father and son to do what they did (from a moral standpoint, but not legal) but it is even worse for a court to overturn the reasonable wishes in a will. Its hard to gage from the story but from what I interpret, the father was closer to his adult son than the four daughters who had every chance as adults to walk away (and probably did). If it had been the other way around, I am sure that the judge wouldn't have done a thing. Makes you think about fairness and respect for individual liberties in Canada.


Let's just say that you had two adult offspring. However, you liked on better than the other. Who is the state to say that you owe both persons equal inheritance as adults. I am sure the state could step in had they been kids and the father did not "take care" and do his parental duty to one of the children but this is clearly not the case. Its also important to recognize that a will is not created to owe anyone anything, even if you have wronged them.


I know of numerous circumstances where the children totally neglect the parents once they're old enough to leave. It's impossible to say what happened here but I'm very surprised that a court has the authority to overturn the will of a sane person.


Compensation for behavior years and years ago? wtf? They should've pressed charges if they were so concerned.

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I still can't believe this story:






It was wrong of the father and son to do what they did (from a moral standpoint, but not legal) but it is even worse for a court to overturn the reasonable wishes in a will. Its hard to gage from the story but from what I interpret, the father was closer to his adult son than the four daughters who had every chance as adults to walk away (and probably did). If it had been the other way around, I am sure that the judge wouldn't have done a thing. Makes you think about fairness and respect for individual liberties in Canada.


Let's just say that you had two adult offspring. However, you liked on better than the other. Who is the state to say that you owe both persons equal inheritance as adults. I am sure the state could step in had they been kids and the father did not "take care" and do his parental duty to one of the children but this is clearly not the case. Its also important to recognize that a will is not created to owe anyone anything, even if you have wronged them.





In medicine, you choose only one. And instead of "GOOD GRADES" it should say "SURVIVAL"


So far I've been choosing everything but "good grades". Are you saying I won't survive? :confused:

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Not necessarily. The Court does take into account ethical and moral principles within the context of public order and good morals.


An example would be invalidating a clause in a Will to exclude grsandchildren of another race, giving only to grandchildren of the same race. This is reprehensible. Equally, it is the same for excluding the female cchildren who have done the father no harm.


A father may have 2 children, one of whom is disabled and not the favourite. He would need more money for care, yet the father may leave most money to the favourite. This too would be overturned.


The Courts play a bigger role in our lives than people realize. They are the last resrot to ensure fairness.


Until recently, a live-in companion in Quebec who created offspring had to legal/financial rights when the couple split. The Court just ruled against this in the case involving the main owner of Cirque de Soleil who broke up with his live-in Brazilian g/f after children were involved. He was giving support to the children but not to her.


The law sometimes barely keeps up with society and sometimes forces fair change upon us all.


Law just like medicine always has new developments and advances! :P

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Have to prepare 2 huge applications for 2 very high positions in the hospital and send them off today. I'm running on 3 hours of sleep and I have a 10 page paper due on Monday which I haven't started. My supervisor also expects a research proposal by the end of the week and a literature review for that part of the project. FML.


Either way, I'm going to go see the black swan this weekend. I don't f^%#$@@$ care. :mad:


It basically boils down to money vs. grades. Money vs grades. MONEY vs grades. MONEY... Zing Zing. lol

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If the daughters had abused their father in some way, I am sure that it would have been known by others and brought up in Court. We cannot always do as we wish to, even in our Wills. In this case, public policy was extended by judicial intervention resulting in changing the Will and testator's intent.


What is right, what is wrong, where to draw the line? There are many hudicial disagreements and reversals of lower court decisions, the highest court has the last say. Not necessarily fair, but it is life.


The hard fact is that the State can interfere with your wishes after life. Knowing this, a person in a similar situation to the deceased father can make a gift during his lifetime to his son, who then loans him back the money which becomes a liability of the Estate at time of his death. So, using one's imagination, things can be done to thwart the State, through the Courts, from invalidating some provisions of a Will. However, presumably the father and his lawyer did not anticipate such an attack nor would they ever have imagined any attack being successful.


As for my future Will, I intend to spend most of my money and let my children build up their own assets just as I will.

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Dear SAS:


I HATE you. You suck.



A true and loyal R fan.


Why don't you use JMP8? It is a much easier/better program. :)


So, I don't see the point of doing projects anymore. I've gotten 100% on the last 2 projects and I'm bound to get 100% on the project I've submitted today (after finishing it at 3am). That's like reaching the peak of the peaks.... nothing to improve on. You might ask why am I complaining... Well I feel like I'm learning tons but not improving. And somehow I'm correlating my marks to the person marking my projects and his view of me. In the last project, he gave a whole bunch of check marks and circled only one thing, which wasn't a mistake.... GIVE ME SOMETHING TO IMPROVE!!!


Side note: I like it when I make my crush smile. He's always "so serious". It's kind of funny that one look from me, and he cracks a smile. Oh boys. You're so obvious. lol. :o

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I think Renin is talking about clerkship, which is very different from preclerkship.


I know what she meant. I was just teasing her. :P


Not necessarily. The Court does take into account ethical and moral principles within the context of public order and good morals.


An example would be invalidating a clause in a Will to exclude grsandchildren of another race, giving only to grandchildren of the same race. This is reprehensible. Equally, it is the same for excluding the female cchildren who have done the father no harm.


A father may have 2 children, one of whom is disabled and not the favourite. He would need more money for care, yet the father may leave most money to the favourite. This too would be overturned.


The Courts play a bigger role in our lives than people realize. They are the last resrot to ensure fairness.


Until recently, a live-in companion in Quebec who created offspring had to legal/financial rights when the couple split. The Court just ruled against this in the case involving the main owner of Cirque de Soleil who broke up with his live-in Brazilian g/f after children were involved. He was giving support to the children but not to her.


The law sometimes barely keeps up with society and sometimes forces fair change upon us all.


Law just like medicine always has new developments and advances! :P


Ok so in summary communism ftw I guess...



This **** would never fly in the US. Where the word "freedom" and "autonomy" still carry weight. :rolleyes:

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Ok so in summary communism ftw I guess...



This **** would never fly in the US. Where the word "freedom" and "autonomy" still carry weight.



no, no, no we are not heading toward communism :D communists no longer like communism :P


As for the US, anything goes there, majority of nine and not predictable. :confused:


There is an expression "the glorious uncertainty of the law" - so uncertainty is not just for the application cycle to med school. :)

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I've actually never used JMP 8. I'm really liking R. The only reason I'm using SAS is because I'm taking a course teaching me how to use SAS...only I'm not learning too much :S. Bah I hate SAS :(
I used to use R in undergrad for stats. But my supervisor swears by SAS (even though I've tried to convince him that JMP 8 > SAS). So I feel your SAS pain. I'm actually making models with SAS right now, lol.
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I've got 3 lectures starting at 9am next semester, but then I have all my classes done by 3pm and no class Fridays! :)


whoa I love those timetables! Mine will never look that way because of the ongoing research and stuff. If I'm not in class, I'm in the lab lol. Are you in 4th yr (I seem to remember something about you and utsc....)?

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dude, you're complaining about 9? try 4 days of 8am lecture and thursday clinical at 7:30am. fml.


Wait till you get to med school Leon. ;) It's non-stop school. :P I don't know why I ever complained in Undergrad. We atleast had breaks in between classes. That doesn't seem to be the case at the moment.


Which is why I want to have my share of late classes now. :P


I don't know how you manage Orange- UofT Med's schedule is like high school, only 100x as intense. 8-5 I think?

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