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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I kinda want the uni to close down tomorrow...for purely selfish reasons. This way, I'll have one whole day to study, and less material to study for the upcoming monster of an exam.


But at the same time, I would like the snow to go away after maybe like a day, so that things can go back to normal.


Here's hoping! lol.

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My son cut a gap in his hair this weekend. Ugh.


He was sitting on the potty yesterday and asked "Mommy, where's Bah (his nickname for his sister) penis?"


Bah doesn't have a penis, she's a girl.


"But my friends have a penis"


They're boys.


At daycare, these little dudes will grab themselves and say "Look at my penis!"--in French, of course....which I don't know the translation for. Little buggers, I thought I had a few years of innocence left.

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My son cut a gap in his hair this weekend. Ugh.


lol...when i was about 6 or 7 i gave my brother a "haircut", with those kiddy scissors. i knew my mom would be mad, so i "hid" the hair under my mattress(i guess i thought the haircut was good enough that she wouldn't notice). my mom still has the pictures, and it looks like someone took a lawnmower to his hair lol. apparently it took 3 months for it to go back to normal.


on another note, i really hope there is a snow day tomorrow, it will help me prepare for the ownage that will commence on friday.

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UTSC closed! Though today is the least heavy of my days in the week.


I don't get it- it just looks like a normal snowfall outside. The plows have already done their job and everything looks.......normal. I was expecting much worse.

alas, cheated again.

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UTSC closed! Though today is the least heavy of my days in the week.


I don't get it- it just looks like a normal snowfall outside. The plows have already done their job and everything looks.......normal. I was expecting much worse.

alas, cheated again.


I believe another one is coming soon...so you might get your "snow storm" after all :P

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Last Updated: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 | 4:34 PM ET

The Canadian Press


Dr. Charles Smith pleaded no contest to incompetence and disgraceful conduct charges. (Canadian Press) A disciplinary panel in Toronto has stripped disgraced pathologist Dr. Charles Smith of his medical licence.


The panel also ordered Smith to appear in person for a reprimand.


Smith did not attend Tuesday's hearing but pleaded no contest to disgraceful conduct and incompetence through his lawyer. He did not fight the penalty the panel imposed.


Smith's expert evidence on more than a dozen baby and child deaths resulted in several people being prosecuted or jailed.


A public inquiry three years ago savaged his methods and he has not practised medicine since August 2008, when his registration expired.


Carolyn Silver, speaking for the college, said Smith failed in "multiple cases" to gather "relevant information."


"Dr. Smith expressed opinions … that were either contrary to, or not supported by, the evidence," Silver told the hearing Tuesday, reading from an agreed statement of facts.


"These failures compromised the administration of justice."


Smith blamed others for his mistakes, exaggerated his experience and offered opinions outside his expertise, the hearing was told.


Those opinions were "overly dogmatic" as well as "speculative," Silver said. His evidence was "misleading" and he "acted as an advocate" rather than offering unbiased opinions.


Smith's lawyer, Jane Langford, told the panel the doctor would plead no contest and a statement of facts would be filed.


The panel accepted the facts and made a finding of professional misconduct and incompetence.


For more than a decade, Smith enjoyed a stellar reputation as the country's leading pathologist when it came to infant deaths. Several complaints about his work had little effect.


Still, his professional career began unravelling about eight years ago. In 2005, Ontario's chief coroner ordered a review of 44 autopsies Smith had conducted. Thirteen had resulted in criminal charges and convictions.


The review uncovered serious problems in half of those cases.


Smith voluntarily agreed to restrictions on his medical licence pending the outcome of the public inquiry led by Justice Stephen Goudge, who issued a damning 1,000-page report in October 2008.


During his testimony before the inquiry, Smith said his errors were not intentional.


He also apologized to William Mullins-Johnson, who spent 12 years in jail for the rape and murder of his four-year-old niece before being exonerated.


The Ontario government later paid Mullins-Johnson $4.25 million in compensation for his horrific ordeal.


"I'm still humiliated by the fact that I will never see justice done," Mullins-Johnson wrote in his victim impact statement, which Silver read during Tuesday's hearing.


"He was allowed to continue his reign of terror even after complaints were registered."


In all, Ontario's top court has set aside five convictions based, in part, on Smith's testimony and another half dozen appeals are pending.


Brenda Waudby, who was wrongly accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter, said Smith showed no remorse.


"You took it upon yourself to destroy my life," Waudby's statement read.


"The college could not punish you enough for what you have done."

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Midterm yesterday. Prof hands out all the exams to everyone in the giant lecture hall.


He says we can turn over the paper, but then asks immediately if the answers to the multiple choice questions are underlined. Sure enough, for every question the correct answer is underlined in the test booklet!


He is an awesome guy, took full responsibility and declared that he had "massively f***ed up", and we gave him applause for the biggest exam f*** up any of us had ever seen.


Then his student ran in with a proper set of exams somehow, and we all wrote the exam.


He is very well-liked so no-one was upset or anything. :)

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Midterm yesterday. Prof hands out all the exams to everyone in the giant lecture hall.


He says we can turn over the paper, but then asks immediately if the answers to the multiple choice questions are underlined. Sure enough, for every question the correct answer is underlined in the test booklet!


He is an awesome guy, took full responsibility and declared that he had "massively f***ed up", and we gave him applause for the biggest exam f*** up any of us had ever seen.


Then his student ran in with a proper set of exams somehow, and we all wrote the exam.


He is very well-liked so no-one was upset or anything. :)


What class was this?



Hm.. do you every have lots of things to do, but none of them have deadlines and you're not sure where to start?

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Why do you all get the day off?!? Apparently, TO got 15cm or something like that. We got the same/more and everything stayed open (except school buses didn't run). I want a snow day too. :(


I dunno. They were expecting howling winds and whiteout conditions with blowing snow, none of which has happened since 8am. It's snowing heavily right now, but no different from usual. Visibility is good.


It looks to me like everyone got too psyched out.

Still, my first snow day! :D

And no English class. *shudder*

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today in vancouver it was chilly, with slight cloud coverage in the afternoon.


not a bad day.


also, i watched a pretty pimp episode of Fringe (last night)... filmed in Vancouver! Pretty good show if you liked X-files or anything JJ Abrams has done.


busy day at work- lots of little crises and kids doing silly things... good times.


tomorrow is going to be a stressful day for different reasons...

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also, i watched a pretty pimp episode of Fringe (last night)... filmed in Vancouver! Pretty good show if you liked X-files or anything JJ Abrams has done.



But nowhere near as awesome as X-files was. X-files (and arguably Outer Limits were the original shows of that genre). I'm a huge X-files geek :o

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