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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Sorry :(


End of spoon/fork or butter knife under edge of lid, or turn it upside down and smack the bottom a couple of time, between one of those two methods, I've always gotten my jars open.


Bang a knife on the edge of the lid, all the way around.

It does work, but someone once told me it leaves tiny pieces of glass in the food. :eek:


Not sure if that is true or not.


I have accepted that I have tiny weak hands, but they are good for some things.

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Now the Canal is closed :( TOO WARM.

I'm in that video! It was so much fun! I'd never been a part of something like that before. And the random skaters on the canal were awesome, though there weren't that many of them because it was cold and during the day. But there was this cute little kid who didn't know what a flash mob was and thought we were randomly dancing, so he wanted to dance too.


Dear everyone,


Do not leave anything to the last minute.



But, my sig suggests that leaving things to the last minute isn't a bad thing. lol
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In cases like that I always tell myself that my futur career is more important thant whatever is going on in my life at that moment. You only have so many shots at med school. I know, easier said than done though...




But don't you think she was too young for him. :rolleyes:


quick one, f_d!!!


Sorry, but it's not light-hearted to some people. It makes me sad. :(


Not all is true, in any case. I can 'do' my nails with a pocket knife.


But I can't open my own jars. :(


the best one is "if someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend". hahaha

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vraiment? j'ai crissement de travaille avant que je peux "relâcher" ...en préparant pour les entrevues....


pretty cool:



aaah pauvre toi, all my midterms were this week so i dont ave shiz to do during my break :) And im not applying to medschool for now so...yeah pretty much une semaine de libre :cool:


Bonne chance pour tes entrevues tes capable! :)

si je peux permettre, ou en es tu dans ton cheminement pour l'instant?


ps: very interesting article! i love neuro stuff :D

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Yey! Larva's back. Or maybe she was never gone.... and just didn't post much in the past little while... haha. (Have you had your UBC interview yet? Go well?)



Bonne chance pour tes entrevues tes capable! :)

si je peux permettre, ou en es tu dans ton cheminement pour l'instant?



Merci! Tes trop gentile! :) J'ai encore mon these a complete avant les entrevues! :s


Je suis dans le dernier annee de mon bacc; premier fois applique pour med. j'en n'ai pas vraiment des grosse attente a cause de mon cgpa (3.48). :o lol

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I'm particularly fond of the ridiculous gas you have immediately following it and how I let out the LOUDEST burp ever walking right through the patient waiting room - in my teeny hospital gown.




I found this pretty funny this morning. I have only been a cat "owner" since last summer, but I find them infinitely more entertaining now that I ever did before.


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I found this pretty funny this morning. I have only been a cat "owner" since last summer, but I find them infinitely more entertaining now that I ever did before.



Oh my god! Hahahaaha thank you for that link!! Bahahaha I love the night vision camera. I can't stop laughing and I need to go to work! "It's a perrrfect night for a heist."

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