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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I fundamentally disagree with your analysis of the situation, but hey whatever makes you happy. Enjoy your Mac.


It's not an analysis. It is what has been happening to me for the past couple of months. I don't want to get into a discussion of Mac vs PC. PC might work for some... in my case and in my field, Macs are better, more convenient and faster.

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Studying at Starbucks right now. Thanks to LostLamb, it has become a wonderful haven for me! (LL, I <3 u!)

Reasons to study at Starbucks:

1) $1.84 (including GST) gets me an awesome tea (with free refills because I have a few Starbucks cards). Hell, even the $1.84 is "free" since I didn't buy the card for myself. Ends up working out cheaper than Timmy's.

2) Free wifi

3) Comfortable place to study

4) Relatively quiet (perfect music for studying playing in the background)

5) No EXTREMELY loud TV or yelling :D (This sort of goes with #4, but it's so important it needs its own number)

6) No stress from said TV/yelling

7) By the time I get home (when it closes) generally speaking, the person that is primarily involved with #5/6 has already gone to bed

8) No distractions

9) It's easy to concentrate (because of numbers 4-8)

10) I'm not in the basement, so I get a little more sunlight.


Since I've been going to Starbucks, it's been an awesome escape. Everything is so much more bareable and it gives me something to look forward to that's a little closer than August! Haha! I think I might actually be able to finish all my courses with the increased concentration/focus and decreased stress/anxiety. If escaping for a few hours every few days does this to my productivity/mood I really can't wait for when I'm out on my own! :D


Less than 4 months now! :D




Thought of another project/paper I could propose to my supervisor. I can't wait until she gets back so I can tell her my plan. Hopefully she thinks it's good enough so that we can get everything rolling to submit to ethics. It'd be great to get another paper or two under my belt.


But, back to studying! Haha... I can't believe I'm actually excited to study. Dear God, I'm a keener again.... is that a good thing or a bad thing???? Lol!



PS... Leap! I can't believe you're going to the dark side! A Mac?! Lol. The only reason I use a Mac is to cut music (I use my mom's), and even then, it's only because I don't have that software on my PC (too expensive). I guess depending on what you're using it for, a Mac may be better. The programs I use (Excel, Word) I did computer modules in high school on, so I know all the shortcuts and ins and outs on a PC. Relearning everything on a Mac would just drive me nuts. (Same reason I still use Office 2003. I refuse to upgrade to 2007 (for now). 2007 is harder to navigate, and I don't have the patience to relearn right now)

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Hopefully you and your cat feel better soon. My cat had an inner ear infection and it was scary - I know what you are going through:(


Thanks' date=' abstract <3


Here's what's going on... here's a cat case study (if you don't like cats, sorry this might bore you) :):

My cat did not have a tooth infection; I thought this was the case as she was drooling from the mouth and would not let me open it up to see what was the nature of her illness was. Actually, to do this you definitely need two people to hold her feet and body while opening the mouth. The veternarian, upon opening her mouth, saw that her right canines (upper and lower) were hurting her. Here is what's happening: her lower right canine is broken, and her upper right canine is stabbing into her lower right gum. The solution, remove both canine teeth as soon as possible.


Upon palpation, the vet noticed that her thyroid gland was enlarged which was a red flag to him. The possibility of having an uncontrolled, overactive thyroid before the dental work could potential lead to serious heart problems. His solution was to gather blood work, which was done today, and to see how high the thyroid levels actually are. He called me a few hours ago - her thyroid levels were too high to measure. So, I was able to pick up thyroid medication today which is to be given to her every day. See, the problem the vet faces is: how long will it take before her thyroid is under control when there isn't a number to assess how hyperactive her thyroid actually is. Ideally, he'd like to put her on the thyroid medication 4 weeks to get is well under control. However, with the oral problems he needs to compromise the time limit as postponing a major extraction would also lead to problems. So... the solution is to put her on it for a couple of weeks, do blood work to see where she's at, and then if all goes well to go ahead with the dental extraction.


No wonder she has lost so much weight in the last couple of weeks. Augh... I think she'll be fine, as long as she gets treated effectively. Poor girl, I care so much about her. I live by myself, she's my best friend <3 I'm just glad I found out what's going on sooner than later and I hope she gets better soon.





For Mac, Office 2011. And it is very sweet :)

Ooooo that sounds exciting. Tell me more :P

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No wonder she has lost so much weight in the last couple of weeks. Augh... I think she'll be fine, as long as she gets treated effectively. Poor girl, I care so much about her. I live by myself, she's my best friend <3 I'm just glad I found out what's going on sooner than later and I hope she gets better soon.


Aww. :( Poor little one. I'm such a softie when it comes to cats. When I was in high school, I actually wanted to be a vet, until I did a co-op term at a veterinary hospital and volunteered over the summer. I could handle everything except putting the poor animals to sleep. :( Blood, guts, puke, stool samples, etc., none of that bothered me (good thing for a future doctor:p) and I absoultely loved observing surgeries, but I just had my heart broken when animals were euthanized.


One of my cats has HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). So I can imagine what you are going through with your cat. My husband is my best friend, but my cats are my "babies" (yes, I know they aren't like having children, but for a childless couple like my husband and I, the cats have become like our kids).

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One of my cats has HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). So I can imagine what you are going through with your cat. My husband is my best friend, but my cats are my "babies" (yes, I know they aren't like having children, but for a childless couple like my husband and I, the cats have become like our kids).


I totally know what you mean. I am sick today myself, which didn't help, but I felt like a deer in headlights when I saw the vet. I understood what the vet was telling me, but it was hard to handle everything when I thought that it was a simple problem. My dog passed away last year. She lived to be only 7, was healthy, and died during the night. That was horrible. I want to keep my cat as healthy as possible and make sure I know if there's a problem. I feel like my cat is my "baby" and I really can't imagine what a parent who has a sick child goes through. Am I really doing everything right? What if I had gone sooner? Is it my fault that her problems have gotten so bad? Those questions kept popping up in my mind the whole time.

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I totally know what you mean. I am sick today myself, which didn't help, but I felt like a deer in headlights when I saw the vet. I understood what the vet was telling me, but it was hard to handle everything when I thought that it was a simple problem. My dog passed away last year. She lived to be only 7, was healthy, and died during the night. That was horrible. I want to keep my cat as healthy as possible and make sure I know if there's a problem. I feel like my cat is my "baby" and I really can't imagine what a parent who has a sick child goes through. Am I really doing everything right? What if I had gone sooner? Is it my fault that her problems have gotten so bad? Those questions kept popping up in my mind the whole time.


Don't beat yourself up. It sounds like you are doing everything you can. You brought her in as soon as you saw something was wrong. Yes, she may have been losing weight and not eating the crunchy food, but cats are notoriously picky eaters, so I don't think any cat owner would take that as a sign of something wrong.


I hope you feel better and that your cat's thyroid problem is regulated quickly with the meds. Take care.

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I told you that Starbucks was the way to go! It is like a little hideaway or escape as you said. Also, the more often you go, the better the baristas get to know you, and then sometimes you get freebies because you're a regular :D


I don't know about your starbucks, but the 2 near my house have a lot of regulars and I am starting to know who the fixtures are, have brief chats with them...it is like a community meeting place, or a salon of days gone by. cnb88, I <3 u too! glad you're making progress on your work


Studying at Starbucks right now. Thanks to LostLamb, it has become a wonderful haven for me! (LL, I <3 u!)

Reasons to study at Starbucks:

1) $1.84 (including GST) gets me an awesome tea (with free refills because I have a few Starbucks cards). Hell, even the $1.84 is "free" since I didn't buy the card for myself. Ends up working out cheaper than Timmy's.

2) Free wifi

3) Comfortable place to study

4) Relatively quiet (perfect music for studying playing in the background)

5) No EXTREMELY loud TV or yelling :D (This sort of goes with #4, but it's so important it needs its own number)

6) No stress from said TV/yelling

7) By the time I get home (when it closes) generally speaking, the person that is primarily involved with #5/6 has already gone to bed

8) No distractions

9) It's easy to concentrate (because of numbers 4-8)

10) I'm not in the basement, so I get a little more sunlight.


Since I've been going to Starbucks, it's been an awesome escape.



NOW...back to prepping for tomorrow's lesson. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh....I never realized that teaching is a LOT of work! It is the prep that kills you!!!

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It's Office 2010 now :P


LOL! That's how behind I am (and how obviously computer illiterate I am)- I didn't even know there was Office/Word/Excel 2010!:o I figured it was still 2007 since my new (as of September) computer came with a "trial" of Office 2007 (which I have yet to use, but everytime I open attachments if I don't save them first, it goes to my non-active 2007 "trial" as opposed to the Office 2003 programs I use). Gah! I hate computers! Just do what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it!


Very accomplished day today! Tomorrow, probably won't be- Oilers vs 'Nucks game will take away my entire evening (I'm praying for another win- last place over first place! :D). Plus packing for my way-too-early flight on Wednesday. Yup. Tomorrow will be a write off! Haha!


EDIT: I think my bf would be embarassed if he knew how very computer illiterate I am considering he's such a computer-saavy guy:o

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Going to see Insidious with the boy tonight. Fairly certain I'll be sleeping with all the lights on for the next week.. ahhhh


I love scary movies!! I haven't seen one in the theatres for a while... I think I'll try and nag my bf into going with me. Anastasia, we can share our post-horror movie stories afterwards.


Update for MarathonRunner :)

Thanks for all your help.

I found an excellent forum for pet lovers if you want to check it out: http://www.pets.ca/forum/index.php (I may or may not have the exact same username on it :P)

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Update for MarathonRunner :)

Thanks for all your help.

I found an excellent forum for pet lovers if you want to check it out: http://www.pets.ca/forum/index.php (I may or may not have the exact same username on it :P)


I hope it's going OK with your kittycat. Sick pets- it's a scary thing. You should post your case study in the vets subforum here!


BTW- this weekend, I found out what happens when a cat has 50mg of caffeine. For the record- NOTHING.


I have a feeling their cells don't have the proper receptors (that's my understanding of caffeine). Anyone want to enlighten me on this?

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I hope it's going OK with your kittycat. Sick pets- it's a scary thing. You should post your case study in the vets subforum here!


BTW- this weekend, I found out what happens when a cat has 50mg of caffeine. For the record- NOTHING.


I have a feeling their cells don't have the proper receptors (that's my understanding of caffeine). Anyone want to enlighten me on this?


Thanks kyla! I definitely will post the my kit-kats case study in the pre-vet forum. And also tell them about the pet forum. If they're interested in animals and animal health problems, I don't see how more knowledge can hurt. Also, you should join the forum :) It's definitely a great source of info.

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Update for MarathonRunner :)

Thanks for all your help.

I found an excellent forum for pet lovers if you want to check it out: http://www.pets.ca/forum/index.php (I may or may not have the exact same username on it :P)


Thanks for the link - I will check it out.


My boys are behaving strangely today - the one who is normally the picky eater is gobbling his food too quickly and bringing it right back up. The one who normally eats anything (including arrowroot cookies, apple strudel, and fruit smoothies) is being picky and turning up his nose at the food. *sigh* I'd swear they were doing on purpose to confuse me. ;)

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