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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Normally I prefer biking too but because of my recent shoulder ops I can't go for a very long time yet. And it's just annoying when there's too much wind like right now.


Sorry about your knees... mine are screwed from swimming and I know it sucks. Who said sports was good for you? ;)

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I prefer biking over running. Rugby from high school has sort of wrecked my knees so it hurts to run long distances.


2 torn mcl's, 1 torn acl, patalla tendon strain, pulled hamstring and 1 broken knee cap.


I hear you but i'd rather get injured doing what i loved than living in a bubble fearing getting hurt like so many people i know.

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Ironically my knees have FINALLY been recovering from bilateral LCL inflammation. Like I mean after 8 months. I've been walking like 10+ km last week and its been sore but still functional. As opposed to walking for 5 mins and then having OMG-this-****-hurts-so-bad-I-literally-cannot-walk kind of pain. Sometimes it was really difficult to drive my car cause it hurt to push the clutch in. :(



So basically....gonna finally go back to the gym soon! (stupid school work permitting)

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2 torn mcl's, 1 torn acl, patalla tendon strain, pulled hamstring and 1 broken knee cap.


I hear you but i'd rather get injured doing what i loved than living in a bubble fearing getting hurt like so many people i know.

It's not a fear of getting hurt. It actually does hurt when I run long distance. A lot.

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Ironically my knees have FINALLY been recovering from bilateral LCL inflammation. Like I mean after 8 months. I've been walking like 10+ km last week and its been sore but still functional. As opposed to walking for 5 mins and then having OMG-this-****-hurts-so-bad-I-literally-cannot-walk kind of pain. Sometimes it was really difficult to drive my car cause it hurt to push the clutch in. :(



So basically....gonna finally go back to the gym soon! (stupid school work permitting)


Have you tried ART therapy?


Is a godsend for me. Oh, and foam rolling too. Cant function without those two.

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So basically we're all a bunch of put back together pieces? lol I tore 1 MCL 2 years ago swimming (yeah swimming... breaststroke kick) and it was like my leg was going to snap in 2 for 8 months til the end of season. Had SLAP tears repaired on both shoulder this year. Pulled groin, patella tendon strain, ankle sprain, stress fractures.. check.


deeman101 - must be nice to see the pain go away and be able to train again!! So you are painfree driving now? I still can't drive long distances without both my mcl's burning up.


Foam rolling is a must!

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+1 for foam rolling. I am pretty sure that their alternate name is torture foam or something like that. If you are going to roll, drink a liter of water before you start torturing yourself.

IT band syndrome is the bad boy of all knee injuries it just doesn't let up, been suffering for 1 year now.

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+1 more for foam rollers. Tried them out a few times after some bad falls (and resulting sore back/butt) from skating. They are the sport's injury's form of S+M.. Lol! It's a weird mix of "omfg that f-ing hurts" and "hallelujah! No more pain!" Definitely helps. Once I move to my place, I'm definitely buying one (I'd buy one now, but hauling it across Canada when I have more than enough stuff just doesn't make sense).


Deeman, basically it's a giant (ie 8+ inches in diameter and upwards of 3ish feet long) cylinder of hard foam. You roll whatever part of the body hurts over it, it hurts like a mofo, but I find it releases the tension in my muscles (after they've cried out in pain of course! :rolleyes:) and I feel better afterwards. They used to be expensive (according to my off-ce fitness instructor) but have since come down quite a bit in price. The Nike Store apparently sells them (and fitness stores probably do too).


This week is starting out much better than last week. I'll be busy (I have to learn everything from a 6 credit course in 3 weeks...) but sat down and made a study schedule, and it's totally doable. :)


And.... It's another day closer to August :D

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I am posting under a different username.


Today I found out my beautiful mom, who is my best friend, has stage 3 colon cancer. She is starting chemo soon. My med school acceptance suddenly doesn't mean so much anymore...


I am desperate for any words of encouragement. Someone just tell me it will be okay.

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I'm sorry to hear about your news.

You have a mom who you love, and some people will never have a parent they truly can say that about. You're so lucky! I'm sure you let her know that you love her, and that you appreciate her.

This is going to be a really hard time for you, but you'll come out of it stronger. You really will.

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I am posting under a different username.


Today I found out my beautiful mom, who is my best friend, has stage 3 colon cancer. She is starting chemo soon. My med school acceptance suddenly doesn't mean so much anymore...


I am desperate for any words of encouragement. Someone just tell me it will be okay.


It is more important than ever that you stay strong for your beautiful mom as you show her love, compassion and caring during these special moments with her. Your med school acceptance is so very important for you to share together. Your mom is now aware that your future is secure and eventually you will be curing others, prolonging their lives with compassionate care.


Life is not fair. Remain strong. You are there for your mom.

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going to TD tomorrow to chat LoC's. Not leaving there unless they'll give me the full amount over 6 years with prime interest rate.


As you indicated that you will defer, they may throw curve balls at you as they may not be familiar with deferrals. Be prepared to visit other banks. TD does not have designated sepcialists as RBC or others do. Good luck!

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I am posting under a different username.


Today I found out my beautiful mom, who is my best friend, has stage 3 colon cancer. She is starting chemo soon. My med school acceptance suddenly doesn't mean so much anymore...


I am desperate for any words of encouragement. Someone just tell me it will be okay.


I am so sorry to hear that. Stay strong and positive, times will be hard but it is the only way to get through this. I'm sure your med school acceptance means a lot to your mom too even though right now it might seem futile.

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I am posting under a different username.


Today I found out my beautiful mom, who is my best friend, has stage 3 colon cancer. She is starting chemo soon. My med school acceptance suddenly doesn't mean so much anymore...


I am desperate for any words of encouragement. Someone just tell me it will be okay.


I'm so sorry to hear that :( cherish every moment with her. My grandma was diagnosed last March with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and, despite her being sick, we had some of our best moments together when I was taking care of her.

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