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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I haven't had the chicken pox yet. Am I gonna die?


Mith, if you haven't had chicken pox yet, go get the vaccine. For kids, the infection is relatively minor, but it can get nasty really fast for adults. When we had chicken pox as kids, our family doc told my mom that if she started feeling sick at all not to wait- to go to emerg right away in case she caught it from us (although that could have been because we lived in a small town and the wait time for a doc's appointment was 3 months... No jokes). Anyways, bottom line is, you might not die, but you'll feel like Death. So get the vaccine if you can!


1 manuscript, 25 pages, 1 week, 1 man. Bring it on.




You can do it! 12 hour shifts leave about 4 hours each day to do it (leaving enough time for sleep and watching the final few Cup games). 4*7=28. 25 pages in 28 hours means just under a page an hour. Totally doable :) Besides, you're Mav- Mav can do anything, right?




Crappy week. On top of a crappy week before that. I've decided that I'm going to make patties out of all the bull crap I've had to deal with this year. New outlook. Each day I'm going to find something good that happened and focus on that. Instead of the rest of the crap. Today's non-crap moment- the cake I was baking for my Mom's b-day stuck to the sides of the springform pan. That's crap you might think... But no! I got parts of it unstuck, saved the look of the cake (yay for being able to cover it up with icing!) and thus, got to eat the yummy cake stuck to the sides! :D


In other words, I got to have some cake and eat it too ;)

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Love the new sig Cerena :D


I'm so happy I visited my parents this past weekend! Turns out we had sun Friday afternoon, Saturday early afternoon and Sunday too! Whereas it rained like hell in Montreal on Sunday - they had to stop the F1 race for 2 hours after 24 laps. 1 week til my bio final, then school's out til late August. And doing more lifting is helping my mood so much!

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Flying North on July 2nd.


Countdown: 18 sleeps


Sweet!!! That's so awesome Kyla! I've been a huge PPB fan from the start... Now all you need once you move up is a pic of a real polar bear, and it's all set ;). Has work found your replacement yet?




So, the cake I baked yesterday turned out pretty good. I decorated it today, and since I'm not an artist, I did the only thing I can draw- an island with a sun and a palm tree. Which, on a cake is a helluva lot harder than I initially thought. Especially free-hand drawing it. Especially when you can't draw in the first place. Especially when the black outline gel cake mate stuff decides to go runny as I'm outlining the part I actually needed to work :/. Especially when writing "Happy Birthday" on a cake is harder than all of the above...:rolleyes: It turned out pretty good though! Definitely not "Cake wars" worthy, but I think my Mom will appreciate it. I mean, she's my mom, she HAS to like it; she's got no choice in the matter :P


Quite a few positives today actually (even though parts weren't great). And I did something I've never really ever done before- I stood up for myself on a really important level. Nothing may come of it, but at least I tried. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Operation All Quiet on the Eastern Front depends on it! lol! Hmmmm.... thinking of one good thing a day seems to be helping... also, 1.5 months until August! :D




EDIT: *e-hugs* MarathonRunner!! I hope you feel better soon! It's the perfect excuse to sit back and watch daytime TV all day. Wait.... nothing is ever on daytime TV (I hope you're not a "Young and the Restless" fan!).... umm... kick back and watch some movies! Funny ones so you don't cry and get even more stuffed up (if one gets stuffed up with Mumps that is!). Also, make your SO, friends or family make you food and make you tea and stuff, even if you're sick it feels nice to have someone bring you stuff!

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Goddamn, my arm is so stiff from all the vaccines and tests I got done today. Still need to go in on Wednesday for Hep B serology results, TB test analysis, and an MMR booster.


Chicken pox serology takes 3 weeks. :(


Is the TB test rash gone from your forearm??? Mine looks as red as day 1 and i got it 2 weeks ago!

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Is the TB test rash gone from your forearm??? Mine looks as red as day 1 and i got it 2 weeks ago!


I don't see a rash. I'm not sure how long it takes for it to develop but I got my TB test about 11 hours ago.


I think it's about 24-48 hours before sort of reaction occurs.


As for my arm- I still have the mark and I got it done back in the end of May.

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Goddamn, my arm is so stiff from all the vaccines and tests I got done today. Still need to go in on Wednesday for Hep B serology results, TB test analysis, and an MMR booster.


Chicken pox serology takes 3 weeks. :(


at least you read the instructions before you got the shots done....i didn't and now i have everything done except for the mantoux test (TB). Because I had a live vaccine given, I can't get it done until end of June at the earliest!

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I got a reaction to PPD in like 6 hrs. Once you test positive you shouldn't need to do it again but McGill made me do another one just for them. Now I have 2 nice big toonie size marks on my forearm. :mad:


Finally got Rogers to admit their wrong! Only took 11 months total. And about 25hrs of phone time plus another 35hrs researching online (yes I actually read through the entire Rogers service agreement). But in the end I got someone (who knew the definition of "contract") to agree Rogers was violating their end of the contract and got my money back! :D


PS. I hate Rogers. They are the worst. After Bell.....and Videotron.

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I got a reaction to PPD in like 6 hrs. Once you test positive you shouldn't need to do it again but McGill made me do another one just for them. Now I have 2 nice big toonie size marks on my forearm. :mad:


Finally got Rogers to admit their wrong! Only took 11 months total. And about 25hrs of phone time plus another 35hrs researching online (yes I actually read through the entire Rogers service agreement). But in the end I got someone (who knew the definition of "contract") to agree Rogers was violating their end of the contract and got my money back! :D


PS. I hate Rogers. They are the worst. After Bell.....and Videotron.


Yuck about the PPD! Yeah I thought after one positive they sent you for chest xrays and didn't do a 2nd test normally.


I must be lucky.. never had any problems with Videotron. Well they didn't really like when I called to cancel my landline (offered to drop the price to under $10 a month hehe), but nothing else. Bell however I was sooooo happy to get away from when Videotron got the phone service years ago! Nice you got your money back.

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I went to my first LiM journal club this morning. Despite being at 7:30 am, I thought it was pretty awesome. The speaker discussed doctor's responsibility of sustaining the Canadian Healthcare system, drawing from examples of doctor strikes and double-digit pay hikes.


Sometimes I get too invested in basic science that I forgot how interesting health research can be.

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Yuck about the PPD! Yeah I thought after one positive they sent you for chest xrays and didn't do a 2nd test normally.


No I didn't do the 2nd test. What I mean is 5ish years ago I did the 1st test and got a positive reaction and went for a CxR. Since then I've always showed that result to skip the PPD test. But McGill wanted me to redo it anyways last year. :rolleyes:

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I went to my first LiM journal club this morning. Despite being at 7:30 am, I thought it was pretty awesome. The speaker discussed doctor's responsibility of sustaining the Canadian Healthcare system, drawing from examples of doctor strikes and double-digit pay hikes.


Sometimes I get too invested in basic science that I forgot how interesting health research can be.


Sometimes? It might be a bit more than sometimes. :P

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