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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I absolutely agree about the older cats comment. I mean, I am of course biased to the cuteness that is a kitten, but there are lots of adult cats that need homes but just because they're not as adorable and tiny, they often don't get adopted. It also makes more sense to get an older cat since they won't need as much time. I'm just wary because it will be my first time living truly alone (no more roommates)...I just don't want to risk a creature's well-being by trying to take care of it all by myself :S


One of the reasons why I got Jasmine was because I was living alone, like you, for the first time. But I became really lonely in the apartment. It's a very strange feeling to go from an active household to a quiet apartment.


In terms of taking care of a cat, you're right. Older cats are very self sufficient, generally not a problem. Short hair cats are very easy to take care of because you do not have to brush them nearly as often as a long-haired cat. Older cats are already comfortable with a litter box. Activity level also varies with cats, some breeds are just more active than others. But generally, a laser pointer is a great tool to have because you can be super lazy haha. Just sit on a couch, and twirl the laser pointer along the ground, put a couple of pillows on the ground together in form of a mini tent, and you have a mini cat jungle.


(Even though Jasmine was 3.5 yrs old when I got her, she looked like a little kitten haha This is what she looked like the same week I got her: link)



And if I'm being really honest, all those websites that talk about worms scare the bejeesus the hell out of me. The very image of worms growing out of a cat's butt....is just...not something I could handle (and this is coming from a person who loves dissections, blood and guts and can't wait for surgical rotations).


Feline worms is very easily treatable with oral medications. I know, the thought of worms is gross, but if you just take the cat to a vet, give them the oral meds, kitty will be just fine. You're right, older cats generally get tapeworm infections. Haha so they leave out the cat's anus. But they're very easily treatable. Jasmine never had a tapeworm infection haha. This is probably because she was strictly an indoor cat and did not eat strange raw foods.

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Happy news about your kitten! Cerena, she is so cute!


Sad news for me... I dug a grave tonight. I have never had to bury anyone before but I will be tomorrow. I think she is definitely uncomfortable, but there is still so much... life...


I can't believe in 24 hrs she will be gone.


And then I fly north on Monday.

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Happy news about your kitten! Cerena, she is so cute!


Sad news for me... I dug a grave tonight. I have never had to bury anyone before but I will be tomorrow. I think she is definitely uncomfortable, but there is still so much... life...


I can't believe in 24 hrs she will be gone.


And then I fly north on Monday.


So sorry to hear about your dog, Kyla.

It is not easy but I know she is loved by you a great deal.


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Happy news about your kitten! Cerena, she is so cute!


Sad news for me... I dug a grave tonight. I have never had to bury anyone before but I will be tomorrow. I think she is definitely uncomfortable, but there is still so much... life...


I can't believe in 24 hrs she will be gone.


And then I fly north on Monday.


I'm sorry to hear that Kyla. It's so hard but you know it'll be better for her that way. Like Cerena said, she's loved and that's the most important part. *e-hugs*

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She is just about the cutest kitten I have ever seen!! And of course this is inevitably going to get me back to kitten-hunting (on adoption sites, not real life hunting!). It'll go something like this:

1) I will go from site to site, finding adorable kittens that need homes

2) I will sigh repeatedly

3) I'll look up (for the umpteenth time) the cost of owning a kitten

4) I will do some calculations and some reflecting, and finally realize I don't have the money, and more importantly for a new kitten, the time to take care of a kitten

5) I will be sad


But congrats on your new kitty, Cerena :D


isix- I adopted a cat last summer (well, he adopted us) and he's been great. He's a stray who wandered up and I fed him salmon, so he stayed. He was starving and dirty and flea-bitten, but We've taken care of him and he's healthy and happy now. He might not be a kitten, but he already knew the "rules of the house", how to use the litterbox, all that sort of stuff. He's cost us no more than $10 per month in food (maybe $20?) and he really isn't very time consuming. I have taken him to a vet to get checked out but it really was fine (and that didn't cost me anything, there is prob a way to do it through the SPCA for very little).


I tried to find his owners but no luck- he has an ear tattoo from Prince George (I found him on Vancouver Island!) but the clinic that tattooed him is closed now. It's OK. He's happy here, and we give him a pretty good life.

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I tried to find his owners but no luck- he has an ear tattoo from Prince George (I found him on Vancouver Island!) but the clinic that tattooed him is closed now. It's OK. He's happy here, and has a pretty good life.


What? Really? That's amazing. What kind of cat is he, Kyla? Domestic long hair or short? Tabby markings? Etc.?

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I'm wondering whether my UBC app is worth all the trouble. I expected a later deadline and it seems unlikely my international transcripts will all reach UBC by Aug 15, despite me paying over $400 for expedited processing and shipping everywhere for everything. argh

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Check with UBC to see if they need to be in the office by August 15th or just postmarked by August 15th.


They repeatedly say everything must be received by Aug 15. However, if things are ALMOST there by that date, I'm going to e-mail and beg them and mention how much trouble I went to to accelerate everything and hope for a merciful response.

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Go for broke and go to the Dean. There is absolutely no downside. Just make your appeal compelling and concise, giving the necessary facts ofthese delays being beyond your control despite your diligence is seeking the documentation necessary in a timely manner.


Good luck.




I think if you show dates the requests were made that should help as really you are at the mercy of the sender

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Yea I'll be asking them. It's because my international transcripts need to be processed by World Education Services and the delay is with all the different posts. I hope they'll be nice considering my relatively non traditional situation.

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Think i am gonna stay in mtl for a few days. Called home and apparently our AC is messed due to 5 back to back power outtages in a short period yesterday. Its 78 in the house right now lol


Well ten, go to Thursday's Restaurant that opens at 10:30 AM for a marevelous breakfast/brunch gthat is so cost effective on Sundays! A true treat and you can eat outside if you like, the croissants and danish provide a meal themselves. :P

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Me for the next couple weeks lol:




that is so freakin' cute.

That is hopefully the path I will take over the next 3 years ;)


Right now....I am just enjoying my last few days of freedom. Am printing docs like mad, trying to organize my house, preparing for the days I am missing, and all around thrilled to start on my journey.


Hope all of you have a lovely long weekend (non-long weekend provinces...im sorry that you don't get the day off!).

LL ;)

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that is so freakin' cute.

That is hopefully the path I will take over the next 3 years ;)


Right now....I am just enjoying my last few days of freedom. Am printing docs like mad, trying to organize my house, preparing for the days I am missing, and all around thrilled to start on my journey.


Hope all of you have a lovely long weekend (non-long weekend provinces...im sorry that you don't get the day off!).

LL ;)


You're AWESOME LL!!!! You can do it :) Walking into that building must be a dream come true...must feel great!

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