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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I just saw my physio, and she suggested it might be a good idea to see my surgeon again since my pain level was off the chart when I reinjured my shoulder. I'm waiting to hear from my doc because it sure isn't easy to got an appointment with my ortho on short notice.. Damnit! I was finally getting to the point where I didn't have to worry about it!

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If I wanted to be far from rats, I would have stayed in AB- only rat-free province:D


I just thought I wouldn't have to deal with bats... Mice I'll have to deal with- they're everywhere (just as long as they don't reside in the same space I do. They should be outside... Not inside). Cockroaches.... Eeeeeew..... The only time I've ever seen them is in university labs and I hope I never see them again! Eeeeeeeeewwwww......


I'm your typical girly-girl in that regard. I'd be happy if I never see a rodent (including guinea pigs, hamsters, etc), spider, or bug (excluding bees, dragonflies, butterflies, etc) again :o


Bats :S ???

I saw a snake a couple of days ago on a hike. I dislike them but I remained calm and didn't say a word. The girl I was hiking with completely flipped out, waving her hands around yelling "SNAKE! SNAKE!" Luckily it just sort of slithered away.


For some reason, I've noticed I stay incredibly calm in situations where others tend to freak out. Good or bad?


My cats wake me up sometime between 5 and 6 every morning for breakfast. Fortunately, they let me go back to sleep afterwards - most of the time!


My husband still gets up around 5 or 5:30 for work, like both of us used to in the army. Fortunately, I don't have to stay up when I'm woken at that hour anymore. :)


How's your boy doing? The one with the growth? Is he okay now?


am and I'm still awake. I was reading "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" and while it is very interesting and intriguing, I'm finding myself skipping around the book because it seems like the person that wrote it is very long winded. I do like it in it's own way, but maybe it's not a book I should start reading at 1:30am.


I had the EXACT same problem with that book. I got so turned off I put it down at like page 40 and haven't gotten back to it.


I'm not the only one. Wow.

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Bats :S ???

I saw a snake a couple of days ago on a hike. I dislike them but I remained calm and didn't say a word. The girl I was hiking with completely flipped out, waving her hands around yelling "SNAKE! SNAKE!" Luckily it just sort of slithered away.


For some reason, I've noticed I stay incredibly calm in situations where others tend to freak out. Good or bad?


I had the EXACT same problem with that book. I got so turned off I put it down at like page 40 and haven't gotten back to it.


I'm not the only one. Wow.


Snakes I find super cool! I always have. Mice and bugs I've always hated though. My very first lab final in uni had a rat with pins in it and you had to identify the organs. I sat probably 10 feet away from it (I'm not even joking- I'm so glad there was no one at the station behind me- I just kinda stayed where I was and maybe inched a little closer so I could see where (ish) the pins were). My TA was like "WTF are you doing" (lol- right in the middle of our final). I'm like "I'm terrified of rats". Him: "But it's DEAD!" Me: "It's still a rat". Him: "How are you going to see where the pins are?!" Me: "I can kind of see and approximate from there" Him: "You're that terrified that you're willing to chance losing marks?" Me: "Yes:o". The very next station was a jar full of fcuking cockroaches...... So I had to pick the lesser of two evils. I sat at the cockroaches (as far as possible) because they were at least in a sealed airtight jar :o


About the book- I was wondering if it was just me. So many people rave about it, I was wondering if I was missing something. I read the synopsis on wikipedia.... It's supposed to be getting good soon. I think I'll tough it out. If I managed to get through Twilight (what the hell was I thinking even reading the book to see if it was as bad as I expected?! (It was WAY WORSE btw)), I can get through a long winded (but well-written) crime novel.


In some ways it reminds me of The Princess Bride novel and how William Goldman interjects here and there that the "original author" had 70 pages on the types of trees in the forest....



Btw... I'm 215 pages in and wondering when it starts picking up a little more.....

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How's your boy doing? The one with the growth? Is he okay now?


The lump is still there, but it is slightly smaller now. Since the biopsy came back negative for cancer, the vet said to just keep an eye on it, and if it wasn't gone by the end of this month, they would remove it.


So, it has two more weeks to disappear. It is slightly smaller, so I'm just hoping it's taking its sweet time disappearing.

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About the book- I was wondering if it was just me. So many people rave about it, I was wondering if I was missing something. I read the synopsis on wikipedia.... It's supposed to be getting good soon. I think I'll tough it out. If I managed to get through Twilight (what the hell was I thinking even reading the book to see if it was as bad as I expected?! (It was WAY WORSE btw)), I can get through a long winded (but well-written) crime novel.


In some ways it reminds me of The Princess Bride novel and how William Goldman interjects here and there that the "original author" had 70 pages on the types of trees in the forest....



Btw... I'm 215 pages in and wondering when it starts picking up a little more.....


I was the exact same way with the book at the beginning... I think everyone is. Because it switches so frequently between Lisbeth and Micke, and because reading all of Lisbeth's passages is like trying to figure out some secret, it's a bit annoying at the beginning...especially all the Millenium magazine stuff. Believe me, once you get to the part where Mikael starts unfolding the mystery behind Harriet's death (I think the name was Harriet?) it gets WAY better. Let's just say, it took me weeks to get through the first third (I was slowly reading it on my phone, trying to figure out what the hype was about and just not getting it) but once the creepiness of the case started setting in, I was finally hooked. I pretty much stayed up one night, phone under the covers reading till 3 am on a school day because I just couldn't put it down.


I'd say persevere with the book if you think you will eventually be hooked. The second book, while starting off a lot faster, actually has way more viewpoints and I couldn't even keep track of all the new minor characters, but I got through it even faster. I'm currently (slowly) working my way through the third book, while reading some other stuff...


However, if it's really not sparking your interest, meh, put it away. I've come to the realization that there are far too many good books out there to be read and too little time in life to waste on books I just don't like.

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lol :D


I finally started feeling sleepy again at 6, needed to be up at 7 so I can leave for the gym.. perfect timing :P


Always happens to me too like that.


And the odd thing is, i am usually way more awake and alert with little to no sleep than if i got 6-8hours

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I think I'm suffering from PTMD - Post Traumatic Mcat Disorder. Just had my first vivid dream of scoring abysmally low on the exam. It seemed so real that I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep for another hour. Funny how this is happening like a week after I took the MCAT - I think the anxiety of waiting for scores is getting to me lol.


Must go out and enjoy the nice weather today and possibly do some shopping :)

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I think I'm suffering from PTMD - Post Traumatic Mcat Disorder. Just had my first vivid dream of scoring abysmally low on the exam. It seemed so real that I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep for another hour. Funny how this is happening like a week after I took the MCAT - I think the anxiety of waiting for scores is getting to me lol.


Must go out and enjoy the nice weather today and possibly do some shopping :)


I dreamed I scored 3 points below my average in every section. And I wrote it 5 days ago lol!:rolleyes:

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I think I'm suffering from PTMD - Post Traumatic Mcat Disorder. Just had my first vivid dream of scoring abysmally low on the exam. It seemed so real that I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep for another hour. Funny how this is happening like a week after I took the MCAT - I think the anxiety of waiting for scores is getting to me lol.


Must go out and enjoy the nice weather today and possibly do some shopping :)


Good idea! I remember the time immediately following the MCAT. I went on vacation, came back and started a new job, and basically tried my best not to think about. It's a long wait so keep busy!

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I think I'm suffering from PTMD - Post Traumatic Mcat Disorder. Just had my first vivid dream of scoring abysmally low on the exam. It seemed so real that I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep for another hour. Funny how this is happening like a week after I took the MCAT - I think the anxiety of waiting for scores is getting to me lol.


Must go out and enjoy the nice weather today and possibly do some shopping :)


I felt that way after my MMI last spring... had a horrible first night, and it took a few days to finally feel normal again lol. Get out and go have some fun, not worth it torturing yourself with something you can't undo :)

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