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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Either way, a landlord must give 30 days notice too, so the guy can't just deactivite Mithril's keys a few days into Sept.


I agree but technically Mithril is in the wrong as he didnt follow proper procedures in the first place and then the landlord followed suit because he was offended. Basically, two kids playing games.


What he did screams of a kid crying because he didnt get his own way. And what the landlord did screams of a kid taking his baseball bat home because he didnt get picked first.

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I agree but technically Mithril is in the wrong as he didnt follow proper procedures in the first place and then the landlord followed suit because he was offended. Basically, two kids playing games.


What he did screams of a kid crying because he didnt get his own way. And what the landlord did screams of a kid taking his baseball bat home because he didnt get picked first.


They didn't have a written agreement or am I missing something? If this is the case, technically, there was no real contract, which makes this issue a whole lot different. The contract usually specifies the conditions for moving out.

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With no written contract, the notice period is the pay period, i.e., one month.


So, technically, Mith should pay for the month of October, but luckily this is not going to happen.


No written lease occurs every day in residential and commercial leases. This is not playing games, it is part of normal life. Thankfully, there was no written lease as this works to the advantage of our friend.


For the record, Mith is definitely not in the wrong.

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As i understand, in BC (and Ontario), a tenancy agreement does not need be in writing and unless stipulated in the tenancy act, carries the weight of that act. Thus, month-to-month tenancy typically requires 60 days notice.


Moving out and giving notice in an improper way is being in the wrong.


The point being made is that any potential issues that arise from this could have been delt with in a more mature manner. Giving notice via text? Withholding access to property unless picked up before the termination of legal occupancy? All useless mind numbing activity when a simple conversation of "it's been 5 days and i don't think it will work out" was all that was needed. And who knows, maybe said Landlord might have eased up a bit and didnt realize the effect he was having?

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I thought you didnt date? :P


I date, I don't have long term relationships. Which he kind of was but not really. Since I'm so scared of commitment we kind of agreed we wouldn't put a label on it, and we weren't very "serious" but it ended because of that exact issue I have, LOL.

It sucks. :(

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Renin- I say this from experience- the way to know you are over a relationship is when you genuinely want the other person to be happy. If you're not at that stage, it's OK. Actually, sometimes I've already been in another relationship and I STILL wanted my ex to be miserable!


Back in town for about 3 weeks. If you are in BC, let me know and we can get coffee!


I went out looking for work in Whitehorse the other day. Result: 5 job offers in 1hr of looking. I think I'll take the one working at the sports shop in retail sales. Low pressure, easy work, staff discount. I'll be teaching 1st aid courses over the winter, too. I think it's a very good work situation as it will allow me time to work on my courses and even do an MCAT over the winter.

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Renin- I say this from experience- the way to know you are over a relationship is when you genuinely want the other person to be happy. If you're not at that stage, it's OK. Actually, sometimes I've already been in another relationship and I STILL wanted my ex to be miserable!


Back in town for about 3 weeks. If you are on the island, or Vancouver area, or kamloops, let me know and we can get coffee!


I went out looking for work in Whitehorse the other day. Result: 5 job offers in 1hr of looking. I think I'll take the one working at the sports shop in retail sales. Low pressure, easy work, staff discount. I'll be teaching 1st aid courses over the winter, too. I think it's a very good work situation as it will allow me time to work on my courses and even do an MCAT over the winter.


Another note, and warning, this contains material that may not be suitable for minors:

Why am I sleeping nude in bed next to my "ex"?


Sounds like its all comin' together nicely! :P And you have been handling all this uncertainty so well. As for the ex, it is out of habit. :D

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Renin- these things happen. No you aren't a horrible person. And yes, it's natural. Just wait until you find someone hotter, nicer, awesomer, etc than your ex. Then you'll be thinking "haha! Sucker! :p"


Kyla- why? Because, like someone else said, it's a habit? Or maybe it's really warm? Or you forgot all your clothes and the other ones are filthy and in the wash? Or maybe it's one of those XWB (ex with benefits) kind of things?;) LOL. I tease.

Congrats on the job offers! And yeah, it's always nice to have something very low-key that you can do to make money, but still have time to study.




Last day of freedom before UG:Take 2. Or, UG: The Sequel. Let's just hope this one is better than the first one! haha! I'm currently applying for student loans (AB since that's where I lived in the 12 months prior), and in order to start the process, do you know what they ask me? "What were your first 2 diploma exams and your final marks" WHAT?! I haven't been in high school for 5 years, and those diploma exams were 5.5 and 6 years ago! Do you think I remember that?! Lol. Good thing I have a wonderful brother at home that checked that out for me.


Hope everyone has a great first day back! (Or great first day!) Personally, I can't wait to get all the free stuff on campus they give away in the first week of classes :D

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Renin, I would feel exactly the same way if I knew my ex was happy with someone else. I guess that's why exes can't be "friends"...


I don't know about that. I'm friends with my ex - we were in a long term relationship for almost 5 years. I truly want him to be happy and care about him deeply (not in a bf type of way but more like a friend way). You can't be friends immediately - you need to let some time pass - but after that, anything is possible. He is a nice guy, except not for me. That's the way I view it. :)


Just finished my schedule for the month of September. Oh boy. So much stuff to do, so little time = just the way I like it. Absolutely no time to think about anything other than the things that need to get done. :)

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Back home in BC!!!!!

Ahh I feel so much better that I saw my sis. Still lots of things coming up for her bf. A biopsy on Sept. 12th, neurosurgery will follow, but just being there and answering questions for her. It feels so good to help, even the tiniest bit. The first day we were there they barely ate a spoonful. And today and last night they seemed back to normal with their eating and drinking.


Even though it was bittersweet, I feel so happy I went, you guys. I have the best bf ever for going with me as well :)

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