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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Thanks again, you guys <3

Such a bumpy road for them, but I feel very, very fortunate to work in neurology and be able to ask people around me for advice (e.g. "How much should I be freaking out right now?) and a basic understanding of what's going on (e.g. "What's an oligodendroglioma?). I suppose as physicians, it will be a double edged sword for all of us to understand what the "reality" of the illness, despite good or bad news, when people close to us are in trouble.


I won't go into details for now about the MRI results because they are so premature (i.e. a biopsy has not been performed - not until Monday) but based on the nature of the tumour, it seems to show no "bad" signs according to the report. So I am cautiously optomistic about the nature of the tumour at this point. Trying to keep a level head.


My mom will be with them during the biopsy, and neurosurg. And I think the best thing for my sister's bf, the brave young guy involved, is that his dad has flown in to visit him from across the country. Family support is key in these times. His dad's visit has made him do a 180 in terms of his morale. It's gone way up.


On a much happier note, though, looks like the weather here has been great. Lots of sunshine and warmth. I hope everyone has been having a good time back at school :) For all of you going back to do more undergrad coursework, good luck!! And to all of you starting med school, keep your morale up because I know from my med friends how hard it really is! And for all of us taking a break, whether it be because we need to work after graduation (like me), are travelling, or just need some time off, let's make the best of this time.

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Spending my Saturday studying anatomy... First pass is almost done, then I'm going for a nice run under the sun and I'll go through again later tonight. Maybe throw in a bit of microbio. Then tomorrow I need to get through some of the ethics/socio readings coming up in the next few weeks so they're done and I have more time for my other more fun classes. I'm so thankful I'm fluent in English because for the 1/2 or so of my class who aren't, a 700-page bioethics anthology written 2-columns per page is hell to go through!!


It felt like my shoulder, though not well, was pretty stable but it seems I subluxed it again yesterday morning while kicking in the pool. I didn't feel it right away so it didn't move as much as last time, but it took 8-10 hours until my arm slipped back into its spot and I could move my arm again somewhat normally. I barely managed to get dressed after my swim as pain was shooting down all the nerves in my shoulder with every move.. I hate not knowing!

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*e-hugs* Cerena. It must be so hard for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys right now.






I've literally been studying almost all day already... but I haven't even noticed. In fact, I've WANTED to keep studying. I absolutely LOVE the courses I'm taking so far. Makes me think I should have done this to begin with, instead of my initial science degree:rolleyes:


Loving TO so far! The weather is AMAZING! I seriously love it here. I'm not sure if AB will get me back......

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*e-hugs* Cerena. It must be so hard for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys right now.






I've literally been studying almost all day already... but I haven't even noticed. In fact, I've WANTED to keep studying. I absolutely LOVE the courses I'm taking so far. Makes me think I should have done this to begin with, instead of my initial science degree:rolleyes:


Loving TO so far! The weather is AMAZING! I seriously love it here. I'm not sure if AB will get me back......



Good for you!


I feel so jaded and old. Medicine makes me want to gauge out my eyes.

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I tend to be an optimist but lately, I've been feeling emotionally and mentally drained :( I think working on these med applications, looking through previous stats of interview invites/acceptances makes me feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle especially now that I've received my MCAT scores and realize that I no longer qualify for one of my top 2 schools. Sorry for the depressing nature of this post everyone - just needed an outlet to express what I'm currently feeling at the moment.

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I tend to be an optimist but lately, I've been feeling emotionally and mentally drained :( I think working on these med applications, looking through previous stats of interview invites/acceptances makes me feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle especially now that I've received my MCAT scores and realize that I no longer qualify for one of my top 2 schools. Sorry for the depressing nature of this post everyone - just needed an outlet to express what I'm currently feeling at the moment.


Many people here know the feeling as currently going through the application process or having gone through it in recent years (and some multiple times). Try to remember that the stats here, while informative, don't count for everything. Many schools look at other factors (ECs, ABS, essays, etc) which can't be evaluated on this site. As for the MCAT, every school in Canada is excellent and I think most people enjoy the school they go to, even if it wasn't their top choice. The feeling will pass but for now just keep working at it. Sometimes I feel like the application process was simply a test of how persistent people are. Maybe take a small break from the application process (like 2 or 3 days) and pm101 and you might come back with a refreshed outlook. ♥

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I tend to be an optimist but lately, I've been feeling emotionally and mentally drained :( I think working on these med applications, looking through previous stats of interview invites/acceptances makes me feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle especially now that I've received my MCAT scores and realize that I no longer qualify for one of my top 2 schools. Sorry for the depressing nature of this post everyone - just needed an outlet to express what I'm currently feeling at the moment.


Hey Cass,

The good thing about applying to medical school is that even with your best guess you don't know what will happen. And with that, there's still hope. I have heard of others gaining acceptance to schools when they thought they had no chance of admissions that year. But, just realize that no matter what, you are trying your best and that is what matters. Because, medical school isn't everything. And, I mean it ;) Of course, the best outcome would be acceptance! But I've had the most amazing opportunities fly at me post-rejection.


Seeking continual growth as an individual is important. Saving money is important too! And living life is important! How lucky are we all to be alive?! Haha we take these things for granted.


So, with the best intentions and speaking from my heart, I have no doubt that acceptance is in your future. Work hard, strive to do your best in everything you do, and you'll be amazed at the things you'll accomplish between now and acceptance.


<3 Ce


P.S. and just like tok said, persistence is key ;) I'm a member of that team! (See sig!)


P.P.S. We're here to encourage you, Cass. If you ever need an extra boost, just give me a PM feel free to. Because I have been where you are, and totally understand. We all just have to get through this one step at a time. <3

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Hey Cass,

The good thing about applying to medical school is that even with your best guess you don't know what will happen. And with that, there's still hope. I have heard of others gaining acceptance to schools when they thought they had no chance of admissions that year. But, just realize that no matter what, you are trying your best and that is what matters. Because, medical school isn't everything. And, I mean it ;) Of course, the best outcome would be acceptance! But I've had the most amazing opportunities fly at me post-rejection.


Seeking continual growth as an individual is important. Saving money is important too! And living life is important! How lucky are we all to be alive?! Haha we take these things for granted.


So, with the best intentions and speaking from my heart, I have no doubt that acceptance is in your future. Work hard, strive to do your best in everything you do, and you'll be amazed at the things you'll accomplish between now and acceptance.


<3 Ce


P.S. and just like tok said, persistence is key ;) I'm a member of that team! (See sig!)


P.P.S. We're here to encourage you, Cass. If you ever need an extra boost, just give me a PM feel free to. Because I have been where you are, and totally understand. We all just have to get through this one step at a time. <3


ALL is so true and Cerena, what a motivational writer you are! And you know of what you say!

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ALL is so true and Cerena, what a motivational writer you are! And you know of what you say!



And as a general invitation to all members, make sure to check out/contribute to the thread of AWESOME!


Free smiles or your money back ;)



My personal goal is to fill the thread up and then show it to my sister, or anyone else in my life who needs cheering up! I'm sure this would apply to any member who knows of someone in need of extra sunshine.

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Many people here know the feeling as currently going through the application process or having gone through it in recent years (and some multiple times). Try to remember that the stats here, while informative, don't count for everything. Many schools look at other factors (ECs, ABS, essays, etc) which can't be evaluated on this site. As for the MCAT, every school in Canada is excellent and I think most people enjoy the school they go to, even if it wasn't their top choice. The feeling will pass but for now just keep working at it. Sometimes I feel like the application process was simply a test of how persistent people are. Maybe take a small break from the application process (like 2 or 3 days) and pm101 and you might come back with a refreshed outlook.


Hey Cass,

The good thing about applying to medical school is that even with your best guess you don't know what will happen. And with that, there's still hope. I have heard of others gaining acceptance to schools when they thought they had no chance of admissions that year. But, just realize that no matter what, you are trying your best and that is what matters. Because, medical school isn't everything. And, I mean it. Of course, the best outcome would be acceptance! But I've had the most amazing opportunities fly at me post-rejection.


Seeking continual growth as an individual is important. Saving money is important too! And living life is important! How lucky are we all to be alive?! Haha we take these things for granted.


So, with the best intentions and speaking from my heart, I have no doubt that acceptance is in your future. Work hard, strive to do your best in everything you do, and you'll be amazed at the things you'll accomplish between now and acceptance.


<3 Ce


P.S. and just like tok said, persistence is key. I'm a member of that team! (See sig!)


P.P.S. We're here to encourage you, Cass. If you ever need an extra boost, just give me a PM feel free to. Because I have been where you are, and totally understand. We all just have to get through this one step at a time. <3


Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. You guys did lighten up my mood today and wouldn't you know the sun is out shining now? :) I agree that persistence is key - after all, I've had my eyes on a career in medicine for the past decade but I guess sometimes, the bumps in the road to get there do throw me off a bit and I just have to keep telling myself that it'll all pay off in the end. Believe me, I'll be ecstatic in getting anywhere in Canada! I guess at the end of the day, what happens happens and like you've all mentioned, as long as I've done my best, I'll come out at the end knowing that I tried and that I had no regrets for at least trying. And Cerena, you are absolutely right about "living life to its fullest". We do have so much to be thankful for - family, friends, health, etc.


I also baked vanilla cupcakes today! Planning on taking a stroll later in the evening and possibly taking my camera to do some candid shots of the park and train tracks close to where I live. :)


My friend told me this today : "When life throws you lemons, throw them back!.........(and demand chocolate :P )"

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Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. You guys did lighten up my mood today and wouldn't you know the sun is out shining now? :) I agree that persistence is key - after all, I've had my eyes on a career in medicine for the past decade but I guess sometimes, the bumps in the road to get there do throw me off a bit and I just have to keep telling myself that it'll all pay off in the end. Believe me, I'll be ecstatic in getting anywhere in Canada! I guess at the end of the day, what happens happens and like you've all mentioned, as long as I've done my best, I'll come out at the end knowing that I tried and that I had no regrets for at least trying. And Cerena, you are absolutely right about "living life to its fullest". We do have so much to be thankful for - family, friends, health, etc.


I also baked vanilla cupcakes today! Planning on taking a stroll later in the evening and possibly taking my camera to do some candid shots of the park and train tracks close to where I live. :)


My friend told me this today : "When life throws you lemons, throw them back!.........(and demand chocolate :P )"


Haha I like what your friend told you! That's great :)

And I'm so glad to hear that your going to enjoy your Sunday! The smell of fresh baked cupcakes: Awesome!

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Hey aaron,

Good luck with the MRI and whatever it is being performed for.


Thanks :) we'll see. This one was for my right knee to see the damage that's resulted over the years. Ortho, so far, wants to reposition my patella in my left knee and are looking at what needs to be done for the right:)

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Thanks :) we'll see. This one was for my right knee to see the damage that's resulted over the years. Ortho, so far, wants to reposition my patella in my left knee and are looking at what needs to be done for the right:)


Keep us all updated, aaron! I know very, very little about ortho. What would this be a result from? I know that you were (and possibly still are?) heavily involved in weight training. Is that what has impacted your knee?

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Hope it works out well Aaron!!


Just learned my ortho appointment for Sept 26 was cancelled and postponed to Oct 31.. very unfortunate considering I've now subluxed my operated shoulder twice doing just normal stuff but yeah... I talked again to the nurse at the hospital who then talked to my ortho and he said to go see him at my uni early Oct. Of course I'd called there before in case and they already had a mile long waiting list for that day so I called back saying the ortho wanted me to see him then, which landed me an appointment in priority. Hopefully there are no issues with that one as it's hard enough with all the classes and midterms :/


So yeah basically another 4 weeks of modified weights and running as I'm way too scared to go swim again...

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It's BENIGN!!!!

I knew it! I knew it! :)


Head of neurosurgery at UofA medical school looked at my sister's bf, opted not to perform the biopsy, and after careful examination and lots of care told him there is no urgency to remove the tumour, is benign, and to live life to the fullest!! It will be checked again in 6 months, but man are we relieved!

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