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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Thanks for the advice! Just took the advil. I don't have a heating pad, so I'm putting my hand under my laptop. That works too, right? :)

I've actually never had joint pain before. It really does suck!


The older I get the more I start to experience it a lot more. Sports and weight training has taken its toll on me lol


And I'm starting to develop fairly significant arthritis stemming from my broken neck as a teen. Mornings are bad so I usually have to get up earlier and get active to help loosen it up.


I also find hot showers to help with joint pain, even if in the hands. Give that a try too.

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The older I get the more I start to experience it a lot more. Sports and weight training has taken its toll on me lol


And I'm starting to develop fairly significant arthritis stemming from my broken neck as a teen. Mornings are bad so I usually have to get up earlier and get active to help loosen it up.


I also find hot showers to help with joint pain, even if in the hands. Give that a try too.


Oh, sorry to hear about your pain, aaron! Thank you very much for the tips :)


I have a little tip I thought I would share, just for anyone and everyone who needs it. A simple video on how to get rid of wrinkles without an iron:


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Love your new layout Cerena! :)


I've been so busy with school... not spending that much time online anymore which is I guess different! We still haven't figured out what's wrong with my shoulder (it stuck again last night doing nothing...), so I had Xrays this morning hoping to see if maybe an anchor had moved (extremely unlikely). My eye might be untrained, but I can't really see any big difference between today's set and last May's right after surgery. 3 more weeks to wait until hopefully my surgeon can think of a reason and solution.


Going home tomorrow for the weekend, hoping to start and finish off my ethics essay while my sister and dad are around.

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Are you serious? :)


"Why don't you make a positive contribution?" - I must say...that is by far the funniest comment I have read about future_doc. Take a look at this thread:




I believe the comments made by members about f_d speak for themselves. I also believe they disprove your statement completely.






Oh, f_d how stupid do you think we really are?! :rolleyes:

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This quote helped me so much.


"A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl."

— Stephan Hoeller


I think about it a lot while listening to this music on repeat.



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Why don't you make a positive contribution and don't be so judgmental about people as well as let it go?! :confused:


P.S. This doesn't only apply to this thread f_d. There were MANY, MANY times when you've judged people on this board... some new users, some old... and no one has ever said anything to you. So stop being so hypocritical.


Leapy, you have delivered some harsh medicine to me in the public forum, therefore on the basis of the expression "she who gives shall receive" I will reply, using your own words and if the foot fits:) , well you will get;) the idea. For sure, I am not the hypocrital one.


You accuse me:confused: of not making a positive contribution to the forum, I suggest you look into the mirror to examine your own positive contributions or lack thereof. The membership know better and have made their judgment.


So, chill babe and follow your own sage advice (prior to posting) and think before you leap:


OMG... I can't breathe. I need to calm down ASAP.


lol.... omg.... omg.... omg


I know, I know,

So frustrated right now.... UGH...


Yes, before you leap, leapy, think and calm down.


Your punishment? Again, using your words, not mine:


Someone ...... kick me in the @$$.... seriously...


Metaphorically only, lol, I would ask you to kindly bend over to receive your punishment.



Lighten up, this forum is not for attacks!


If your only reason to be on this forum is to attack other members, then you're clearly on the wrong forum, mate.


Better days ahead – cheers!




PS: I have bigger fish to fry at the moment with the backlog of editing to be done for applicants needing help at this critical time. BTW and with all sincerity, I would be delighted to help you with your application when the time comes just as I help hundreds of other member each year with my editing and Sticky preparing members for their interviews. If you need references, I am sure your friends on this forum willl vouch for my abilities in helping them with positive contributions advancing their best interests.

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Ok everyone, this has gone on long enough. You guys know who you are. If you don't like something that someone posts, ignore it and/or report it. Please don't respond to the poster and start something. It just leads to unnecessary animosity. For those of you who have reported past posts in this thread/sent PMs, the issue has been looked at.


This is the WED thread, so I'd hope that the next post in this thread is about what you're doing.



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I'm replacing my leaky kitchen faucet!!


Thank god for youtube videos explaining how to do it :)


Also, a word of advice: Don't start a DIY project AFTER all the stores in your town have closed. Inevitably (for me at least) you will discover you need something and have to stop working until the next morning.


Wish me luck!



UPDATE: It works!!

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Also, a word of advice: Don't start a DIY project AFTER all the stores in your town have closed. Inevitably (for me at least) you will discover you need something and have to stop working until the next morning.


Wish me luck!


lol I know what you mean! :D Though last time I was lucky and managed to get to the store 2 minutes before closing (yeah not nice but I was quick!).


I'm writing my bioethics paper.. about halfway done maybe. My sister helped me out some yesterday with the structure, and in the end all her ideas matched the ones I had already put down, just from a different line of processing. I hate writing papers!!

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OMG guys... it's almost Halloween!!

Best Holiday EVER.


I'm sad that I don't have my bat cat this year...

(I used to pretend Jasmine was a bat during Halloween).

I love giving out candy to kids. One for them - two for me :D Muah...ha...

j/k... kinda.


I think I'm going to tell the other moms that I am on call this Halloween. They can fight amongst themselves who can "car pool" the little ragamuffins to the "best" place to get candy.


On the plus side, Marie wanted to be a doctor last year, and she wants to be a doctor again this year. Luckily, mini-scrubs are very easy to sew, but I'm not letting her walk out the door with my real stethoscope this year :)

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Ok everyone, this has gone on long enough. You guys know who you are. If you don't like something that someone posts, ignore it and/or report it. Please don't respond to the poster and start something. It just leads to unnecessary animosity. For those of you who have reported past posts in this thread/sent PMs, the issue has been looked at.


This is the WED thread, so I'd hope that the next post in this thread is about what you're doing.




Thank you. And may my blackberry stop buzzing every 4 seconds with people reporting each other.

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OMG guys... it's almost Halloween!!

Best Holiday EVER.


I'm sad that I don't have my bat cat this year...

(I used to pretend Jasmine was a bat during Halloween).

I love giving out candy to kids. One for them - two for me :D Muah...ha...

j/k... kinda.

Gah. Halloween is on a Monday this year. How unfortunate.
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Just caught up on the Glee premiere. Semi-spoilers. Beware.






SO happy about the lack of relationship drama. They actually focused on the characters rather than random dating musical chairs. And more Blaine; yay. But why do the writers have to keep dramtically altering Quinn's character? I miss pre-Beth Quinn.


And only 2 other people in this thread care about this post. lol

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OMG many quotes to get through!

Start with Ren...


I think I'm going to tell the other moms that I am on call this Halloween. They can fight amongst themselves who can "car pool" the little ragamuffins to the "best" place to get candy.


On the plus side, Marie wanted to be a doctor last year, and she wants to be a doctor again this year. Luckily, mini-scrubs are very easy to sew, but I'm not letting her walk out the door with my real stethoscope this year :)


I thought Marie wanted to be a model?


Ugh don't say that! Halloween means cold and snow are coming soon.


I may be in denial over the fact that summer is ending, lol.


Halloween means black magic, witches, decking out the house with Halloween decorations, and CANDY! C'mon guys... Am I the only one here who is secretly a witch? I mean... :o


Gah. Halloween is on a Monday this year. How unfortunate.


I know. I love Saturday Halloween.


Just caught up on the Glee premiere. Semi-spoilers. Beware.






SO happy about the lack of relationship drama. They actually focused on the characters rather than random dating musical chairs. And more Blaine; yay. But why do the writers have to keep dramtically altering Quinn's character? I miss pre-Beth Quinn.


And only 2 other people in this thread care about this post. lol


Yes, Glee spoilers here. Though, if you haven't watched the first episode of season 3, um... do it. Now. It's on global: http://www.globaltv.com/glee/video/full+episodes/the+purple+piano+project/video.html?v=2137621024&p=1&s=dd#glee/video


I think this season will be good! I've already watched the episode 3 times. Yeah.





I just love Kurt and Blaine. And yes, lack of relationship drama is awesome. I can see a huge emphasis on Kurt and Rachel trying to get into the school of their dreams. Something that I've been looking forward to. Tina's dialogue was atrocious... Probably the worst writing I've witnessed on the show.


I watched the glee project, so it was exciting to see Lindsay on the show :) She has a killer voice. Can't wait to see the rest of them.


i want the pretty blonde quinn fabray back..


Am I the only one who likes edgy Quinn? I think it suits her character so well.

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