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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Heading to shoulder surgery #3 hopefully in late December right after my last exam on the 19.. Saw my ortho this morning and he says it clearly sounds like a mechanical problem so the only thing he can do is go back inside with the camera to see what's going on.. MRI is pretty much useless as I've already had surgery on that shoulder (and recently) so the scar tissue would confuse everything up. It could be just a loose knot moving around my joint, or it could turn out to be a failed repair.. He won't know until he's inside, so I have no idea what recovery will be like after :/ And while normally on people 30-35+ he'd do a tenodesis to remove the biceps from the labrum, it's not possible in my case because my joints are too loose already.


Man that sucks!! Even though I was expecting it...


Now... where do you find hockey jerseys or t-shirts for cheap? I need to find myself a Habs shirt for next week!

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In Praise of young people... :D


from: http://crabbyoldfart.wordpress.com/2011/02/13/in-praise-of-young-people/


I’ve taken some knocks for my entirely accurate portrayal of today’s young people as little more than tattoo-clad, gormless malcontents.


After some consideration and in the interest of balance, I have compiled a short list of positives about damned young people today.


If nothing else, I’m fair.


They’re Resourceful


They may not be able to find North America on a world map but lock a young person in a bathroom with some Tylenol, grape jelly, household cleaner and a ball-point pen and nine times out of ten they’ll be able to fashion some sort of lethal narcotic and a workable pipe to smoke it in.


They Reopen the Debate on Evolution


Yesterday I watched a young person spend 25 minutes puzzling over how to peel a banana. While it was troubling to observe, it clearly calls into question the concepts of evolution and natural selection. As a deeply spiritual man, I take that as a positive.


They Have a Halfway Decent Understanding of Economics


Unfortunately, the “half” is limited to the concept of demand. Supply seems to have slipped their notice entirely.


They Tend to Stay Indoors


The fact that young people spend their formative years plonked down front of an X-box in nothing but their Y-fronts may have long-term physical and mental health ramifications (and provide for a disturbing visual) but we senior’s appreciate having free-run of the libraries, museums and parks. It’s nice to feed the damned pigeons without gaggles of young people running about getting fresh air and exercise.


They’re Confident


I have to admit it takes a certain amount of moxie to demand that people take you seriously when you’re parading around with dinner plates in your ears and chains dangling from your nostrils while sporting a plume of underpants and a t-shirt that reads “Where the *****es At?”


They Know Their Rights


Smack one damned young person over the head with your cane and you’ll soon discover that while they’re oblivious to notions of decency, civility, common sense and morality – they’re fully aware of the laws that protect them and the civil litigation options available to them.


They Like to Share


When I was a lad I tended to keep my thoughts to myself – not because I was selfish but because I assumed no one was interested in things like a description of the exact shade of my morning urine. Young people today, however, are more than happy to share all manner of fascinating personal tidbits online at the drop of a hat. And, if you’re lucky, they may even post pictures.


They’re Fierce Individualists


Ask any one of them. They’ll all tell you the same thing.


They’re Cautious


In my day young people fled the family home at the age of 17, rolled the dice and took their chances in the great wide world. Young people today, however, tend to hedge their bets, hoard their cookies and stay firmly affixed to the familial teat until they’ve cashing an inheritance check and ready to safely strike out on their own.


They Have a Wonderful Sense of Humor


Provided of course that the joke is not at their expense. If it is…they seem to get rather tetchy.


I trust this makes amends to any damned young person that I may have offended in the past and clearly demonstrates that my views on youth are objective, balanced and based entirely in fact.

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That really sucks Michele.


Hopefully it won't require another repair but maybe just some tweaking instead.


It's not fun to continually have to battle through these issues esp when you thought they were finally fixed. Try not to get too down about it though as that won't help either - easier said than done I know :)



Chin up friend!


Heading to shoulder surgery #3 hopefully in late December right after my last exam on the 19.. Saw my ortho this morning and he says it clearly sounds like a mechanical problem so the only thing he can do is go back inside with the camera to see what's going on.. MRI is pretty much useless as I've already had surgery on that shoulder (and recently) so the scar tissue would confuse everything up. It could be just a loose knot moving around my joint, or it could turn out to be a failed repair.. He won't know until he's inside, so I have no idea what recovery will be like after :/ And while normally on people 30-35+ he'd do a tenodesis to remove the biceps from the labrum, it's not possible in my case because my joints are too loose already.


Man that sucks!! Even though I was expecting it...


Now... where do you find hockey jerseys or t-shirts for cheap? I need to find myself a Habs shirt for next week!

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That really sucks Michele.


Hopefully it won't require another repair but maybe just some tweaking instead.


It's not fun to continually have to battle through these issues esp when you thought they were finally fixed. Try not to get too down about it though as that won't help either - easier said than done I know :)



Chin up friend!


Thanks :)


I just want him to find the problem and fix it so that I'm finally able to do the sports I enjoy and live for. Good thing is that time is going to fly by until surgery (once I get scheduled) with school and exams!

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Life has a funny way of working out....

Found out I have a legitimate medical reason for why I'm tired all the time and get frequent headaches (among other things). Thank goodness it's an easy fix! But the scary thing is that I likely wouldn't have known if I hadn't moved to Toronto because I wouldn't have bothered waiting the months for an appointment for something completely unrelated to this diagnosis (really strange how that works out...). Had it been left longer, it could have gotten really serious.


Moral of the story: God/fate/life/whatever-you-believe has a funny way of working sometimes :)

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