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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I'm not a big chocolate person but I have a few sweet weaknesses.


Exhibit 1- I just ate 2 handfuls of mini-marshmallows. How I can have very little sweet tooth and still be crazy about marshmallows, I don't know.

The other one for me is tapioca pudding.


I have a sweet tooth, but I don't like marshmallows or fancy cakes! My favorite cake ever is the $2 Duncan Himes Devil's Food chocolate hehe. But I love small aero bars.. I freeze them then they're just perfect.

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Soo tired. Hectic day. But 1 midterm down, yay! 4 more to go :P


Awesome! How do you think you did??


I skipped class today to finished writing a paper and to finish studying for an exam tomorrow then I have to cram for one I haven't even had a chance to look at which is on friday at 8:30am. Woooosh!

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Awesome! How do you think you did??


I skipped class today to finished writing a paper and to finish studying for an exam tomorrow then I have to cram for one I haven't even had a chance to look at which is on friday at 8:30am. Woooosh!


It went well, I think. It's psychology so it wasn't too hard lol! but it's the class I like the least so I'm glad it's over with.

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Thanks for the advice guys:) I'll have to do that for my next assignment


aaron... Yeah. Some things I just don't understand/comprehend and lately I find that the world is just.... too self-absorbed (on average). Steve Jobs dying affected your average Joe (OMG! What about a new iPhone?! He was the brains! It won't be good! oh noes!), whereas the starving children all over the world don't affect them because they don't see them everyday. It's like that poor girl in China- that kind of stuff just breaks my heart :( how can NO ONE help?! :(

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Thanks for the advice guys:) I'll have to do that for my next assignment


aaron... Yeah. Some things I just don't understand/comprehend and lately I find that the world is just.... too self-absorbed (on average). Steve Jobs dying affected your average Joe (OMG! What about a new iPhone?! He was the brains! It won't be good! oh noes!), whereas the starving children all over the world don't affect them because they don't see them everyday. It's like that poor girl in China- that kind of stuff just breaks my heart :( how can NO ONE help?! :(


I feel the same way sometimes - ok a lot of times. It's odd, I feel so incredibly guilty when I see handicapped people. I look at the hand they are dealt in life and then I look at mine (not that it's been all rosey but nothing to cry about) and realize life really, truly isn't fair.


I used to go with my Mom when she worked at a centre for handicapped people and when I think back to those times they were some of the most happy people I've ever encountered in my life and yet every day folks *****, whine, moan and complain about absolutely the least worrying things. The phase I hate the most is "fml". Majority of people have not a clue what the true meaning of that phrase yet will utter it every time they break a nail, stub their toe or their car breaks down.


btw, I am self absorbed too. We all are but I certainly feel more joy when I try not to be. It's a hard line to balance on.

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I feel the same way sometimes - ok a lot of times. It's odd, I feel so incredibly guilty when I see handicapped people. I look at the hand they are dealt in life and then I look at mine (not that it's been all rosey but nothing to cry about) and realize life really, truly isn't fair.


I used to go with my Mom when she worked at a centre for handicapped people and when I think back to those times they were some of the most happy people I've ever encountered in my life and yet every day folks *****, whine, moan and complain about absolutely the least worrying things. The phase I hate the most is "fml". Majority of people have not a clue what the true meaning of that phrase yet will utter it every time they break a nail, stub their toe or their car breaks down.


btw, I am self absorbed too. We all are but I certainly feel more joy when I try not to be. It's a hard line to balance on.


We're all self-absorbed to a certain degree (as we should be), but it seems like a lot of people take it to the self-obsession degree... which is where the problem is. I find that especially with the younger generations (or people who have been given everything and don't appreciate it). And when you (kindly/gently) point out their rudeness, they tell you to F$%# off and stop being rude:confused:

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I am going to get hated for this but I'll say it anyway not because I am a troll, but because I have a keyboard and free (ok not free, but I am procrastinating) time.





**** Steve Jobs and **** the millions and **** everyone else that post that picture thinking they are 'cool'. The reason I am saying this is not because I am hating on you guys but because everyone posts the exact same picture when they aren't doing **** to help the 'millions' especially on facebook (not hating on aaron or anyone else, just stating my opinion).


We all know our society is messed up, we don't need more proof supporting that, what we do need is people helping others, especially local.

/end rant (if you got problem with my post pm me)

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I am going to get hated for this but I'll say it anyway not because I am a troll, but because I have a keyboard and free (ok not free, but I am procrastinating) time.





**** Steve Jobs and **** the millions and **** everyone else that post that picture thinking they are 'cool'. The reason I am saying this is not because I am hating on you guys but because everyone posts the exact same picture when they aren't doing **** to help the 'millions' especially on facebook (not hating on aaron or anyone else, just stating my opinion).


We all know our society is messed up, we don't need more proof supporting that, what we do need is people helping others, especially local.

/end rant (if you got problem with my post pm me)


How do you know the people who are posting this arent helping though?

I feel the same way as aaron does, truly disgusted with society right now. I'm actually going through a really weird phase right now but I'm so angry, the chinese baby that got hit twice is what set me off. I was actually Speaking with a friend last night about how sometimes I don’t see myself as a “great” doctor because I get so attached and so fast. But a part of me thinks it’s the right way to act. So screw it.

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I don't think being angry with society will solve any problems. It would be more useful to understand why society, or parts of society, feel that Steve Jobs is "worth more" than people staving in Ethiopia (I'm guessing that's what the ad is trying to point out).


To be fair; Steve Jobs made the iPad that makes my life much easier; so I probably will have more fondness towards him; but does this make me a horrible person? I don't think so...

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I just thought this article was somewhat relevant to the discussion. Actually it's not really that relevant but here it is anyways. http://gawker.com/5847344

It's titled What Everyone Is Too Polite to Say About Steve Jobs. Why they capitalized "is" and not "to" confounds me. I just think it's good sometimes to get a balanced view of things, something which most Apple-fanboys/girls don't have.

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Im about to get my cram goove on for an exam friday morning. Got all my notes, slides and textbook ready to hit the ground running in the morning.


I'll hit the gym at 5am to make sure i get in my training then its home to get rolling. The coffee pods are stocked, cream is available and sweetener in excess. Food is all prepared and ready at a moments notice. I am going to battle and damnit i will win the war with this professor and her 350 slides of info over 5 weeks.


Only problem: how does one cram? I didnt do it when i was younger so any tips are appreciated :D

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Im about to get my cram goove on for an exam friday morning. Got all my notes, slides and textbook ready to hit the ground running in the morning.


I'll hit the gym at 5am to make sure i get in my training then its home to get rolling. The coffee pods are stocked, cream is available and sweetener in excess. Food is all prepared and ready at a moments notice. I am going to battle and damnit i will win the war with this professor and her 350 slides of info over 5 weeks.


Only problem: how does one cram? I didnt do it when i was younger so any tips are appreciated :D


lol!! I don't remember if I've ever truly crammed when I was younger... I know I don't now :P

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How do you know the people who are posting this arent helping though?

I feel the same way as aaron does, truly disgusted with society right now. I'm actually going through a really weird phase right now but I'm so angry, the chinese baby that got hit twice is what set me off. I was actually Speaking with a friend last night about how sometimes I don’t see myself as a “great” doctor because I get so attached and so fast. But a part of me thinks it’s the right way to act. So screw it.


I should've put a disclaimer saying my rant only applies to those who don't do anything to help :P


BTW whats up with people crying over a 70? I wouldn't be thrilled with it, but I wouldn't cry either.

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Got raped by a long answer on my midterm today :(

Ugh. It's the hardest to put the thought aside and focus on the next midterm.

Can't wait till these midterms are all done withhhh.




Don't feel bad! I got 40 percent on my orgoII midterm. which was the class average ( thank god for the bell curve) . :( , things have been bad health wise though so i have been preoccupied for a good 2 months now.. :mad: ... so i will just mention this as part of a learning experience..

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Anatomy tomorrow morning, then home sweet home this weekend! I haven't seen my parents, sister and dog in over a month now.. too long. Then one more midterm next Friday. Ugh.. 4 midterms last 1 month?? First final is 6 weeks away lol! I'm hoping to make some progress on my 2nd socio paper and start thinking about the 3rd one too.

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Is it Wu that you are referring to? ;)


Just make sure you know the info in the slides. There's actually not that much information on each one, so its not too bad! And don't bother with the text.


LOL no. She is on Monday and I don't really need to cram for Phys. Although I say that now...

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It's the right way to act in general, yes, but I don't think it would serve you well as a doctor. I work very closely with a patient group who are often the same age as me, and I used to get attached easily. They are amazing people. Then one of them died and it was just horrible for me. Now I have a few barriers/boundaries, and I remind myself that they are patients. I don't want to go through that experience again.


I know. It's going to be so hard for me. But I just dont know what to do seriously. I have a serious passion in medicine, but I just love people too much. :(

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