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2:30 am... In pain from shoulder and scalene/trap.. 1 hour til it's time for more meds.. Hope the surgeon was right when he said he didn't expect me to be in too much pain after this surgery.. Nights are the worst though - I'll be sleeping inclined on a pyramid of pillows for over a month!


Sleeping pills work wonders ;)


Study, study, study blah

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Dark Chocolate and Red Wine Are Heart-Healthy Foods Of Love Released:1/13/2012 8:00 AM EST

Source:Loyola University Health System


Newswise — Forget the oysters and the champagne this Valentine’s Day. If you want to keep your true love’s heart beating strong, Susan Ofria, clinical nutrition manager at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital, said the real food of love is dark chocolate and red wine.


“You are not even choosing between the lesser of two evils, red wine and dark chocolate have positive components that are actually good for your heart,” said Ofria, a registered dietitian at the Loyola University Health System’s Melrose Park campus.


Red wine and dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70 percent or higher contain resveratrol, which has been found to lower blood sugar. Red wine is also a source of catechins, which could help improve “good” HDL cholesterol.

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Dark chocolate!!


I'm almost pain free at rest when I'm upright now, awesome! I'm going shopping a bit to buy a few tank tops I can put on from the bottom, extra pillows and a pair of Uggs or similar with no laces ;) Then my mom is going to mass-bake some lasagna that I can freeze in single portions for later as I'm 1-armed for a month! I feel like a 3 year-old trying to butter my toasts haha

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Psychoswim - reading your story has made me rethink the nagging pain in my shoulder when I swim... rest day today I guess..


Rest!! Don't chance it! Swimming was my job really, with school on the side, and I'd do it all over again even knowing about the multiple surgeries. But if you can, be careful.


Went shopping for boots and tank tops.. I've never been so scared than putting on my coat without using my biceps at all or extending my elbow!! Haha let's say it implies me kneeling down on the floor and a good 5 minutes!

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Old age hits us all one day. :P


Haha true! My mom asked me if I thought my surgeries would cause me more problems with arthritis and other later on. My answer? Let me put it this way: do I think that 25 years of swimming including 15 at an elite level has affected my body? lol I probably have the shoulders/knees and hips of a 60-70 year-old!

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I was a jumbled mess by the end and just wanted done.


I'm know i did well enough to keep A's but likely slipped down a few points from the 90+ i had going in.


Da well


How's the pain?


Aw at least it's done!


Pain is much better during the day when I'm sitting or standing. I get pain-free moments at rest but obviously lots of pain if I happen to move just a bit! I'm hoping my neck will be fine tonight and let me sleep. I take off my big bandage on Sunday so I'll see what's there in term of incisions..

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I didn't sleep that much last night, but I feel soooooo good!!!!! :D I just spent the last hour trying to solve a puzzle with my aunt. LOL.


Psycho: I used to be in your position, except I had a partial infraspinatus tear. I actually never got surgery for it, but did extensive physio. It hurt so much. But it recovers. You'll see... It'll be much, much better in a couple of months. :)

One of my friends has a brachial plexus partial blockage due to swimming.

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Thanks Leap! I know it'll get better.. it's my 3rd surgery after all and even though my right shoulder isn't 100% perfect post-op, it allows me to do all the things I love so that's great. :)


I'm still not up to reading/studying so that will have to wait a bit longer. Planning on going back to school on Tuesday (no choice really!).

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Thanks for the dose of inspiration, leap!


I love TED speeches.. I downloaded the app for my iPhone :)


Thanks for sharing!!


You're welcome! :D I can't wait until TED comes to my town. I'm hoping for some good speakers.


It's so cold: I wouldn't go outside to club a baby seal if it was sitting in my driveway. As a Canadian, that's cold


Ummm... why would you club a baby seal even if it wasn't this cold? lol. Sorry. I just watched "NIM Project" last night and it made me more conscious about animals and their suffering. Not to mention I bawled my eyes out through the movie...lol


Edit: Worst time for my matlab license to fail. :( I think I might jump off a building... fml

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Shooting range experience today was EPICALLY AWESOMEEEEE. Definitely frightening at first cause the shots were so loud and some of the shells were just ricocheting off the walls and I can feel it flying past my head/side of my face but other than that, I am in one piece :D

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I'm definitely here too much.. trying to change that.


Going back to "real life" tomorrow, which means needing to put on my coat at least twice a day :/ Only 3.5 weeks more immobilized!! Sigh.. Also because I can't really move my shoulder around it's taking a long time for the edema/fluids to drain so my entire arm and pec area is swollen along with a pretty massive blue-yellow bruise over the top of my biceps! Not pretty haha. Need to go back to doing some light cardio as soon as I can put my clothes on.

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