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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Prove it after your next post. :D:P


LOLLLL Kinda true....and sad....


Just as I reach the 2000th post ironically today, this blog post pops up and makes me rethink why I'm here sometimes:




Mac's having an existentialist crisis.

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I'm definitely here too much.. trying to change that.


Going back to "real life" tomorrow, which means needing to put on my coat at least twice a day :/ Only 3.5 weeks more immobilized!! Sigh.. Also because I can't really move my shoulder around it's taking a long time for the edema/fluids to drain so my entire arm and pec area is swollen along with a pretty massive blue-yellow bruise over the top of my biceps! Not pretty haha. Need to go back to doing some light cardio as soon as I can put my clothes on.


Once your bandages come off, how much icing do you think you'll be doing?


I've been going to walks outside (hour in length but covering a fair amount of ground) and have to ice my knees after every single walk.


Kinda annoying lol

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My physics prof said she would never take longer than 24 hours to reply to our email. I sent her a msg 3 days ago asking her about this problem I couldn't figure out and she still hasn't got back to me.

Well, I finally figured out the answer by myself.. even though I had it right several days ago but did x10^4 instead of x10^3.... Maybe her way of preparing us for the exams is to completely ignore us and be as unhelpful as possible so that we learn to keep trying to get the answer on our own. Oh wise wise prof.

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Once your bandages come off, how much icing do you think you'll be doing?


I've been going to walks outside (hour in length but covering a fair amount of ground) and have to ice my knees after every single walk.


Kinda annoying lol


Ice is totally your best friend! I still ice my "first" shoulder when it gets sore.


I took the bandages off yesterday so I can start icing. My shoulder itself is almost painless since he only smoothed out the surfaces and removed debris. The top of my biceps and front shoulder is however insanely painful to any light touch!! Ice and time should help hopefully.

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Wow- lots going on with everyone. My last final for this "term" is tomorrow!


It is minus 40 today- they call this "colder".


See, there's "cold", "colder", and "coldest" but it has to hit -45 to be coldest. It was nice and brisk today. I like it. About to hit the books for an hour and then go out for a run. :)

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I figured out your name based on your email. Same with charmer. And aaron, although that one was fairly obvious. No idea what you look like though.


you know what i look like?? lmao!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you not have a webcam picture of yourself as your display pic a while ago?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you not have a webcam picture of yourself as your display pic a while ago?


haha i guess if people still remember that one. I thought it was too saturated to see anything :(

But I don't really mind people knowing who I am, it just gets uncomfy when it's too many on a board.. especially if my name gets thrown around. I'm trying to leave as little traces as possible lol

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