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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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while waiting at the bus stop today a homeless lady came up to me and started begging to "please help me get food". I offered her the apple in my backpack and she replied "no way that sh!t is disgusting" and ran off askin other people, lol! Royal galas disgusting ?!?! that's the craziest thing I've ever heard

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while waiting at the bus stop today a homeless lady came up to me and started begging to "please help me get food". I offered her the apple in my backpack and she replied "no way that sh!t is disgusting" and ran off askin other people, lol! Royal galas disgusting ?!?! that's the craziest thing I've ever heard


I did the same thing with a homeless guy once, but it was a sandwich instead of an apple. He unwarps it, says "ew I hate chicken!", and throws it on the ground.

Ofcourse I was too busy rolling on the floor laughing to say anything to him

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For Article, see



Markerless Motion Capture Offers A New Angle on Tennis Injuries


Released:1/17/2012 5:00 PM EST

Source:Ohio State University


Newswise — COLUMBUS, Ohio – A new approach to motion capture technology is offering fresh insights into tennis injuries – and orthopedic injuries in general.


Researchers studied three types of tennis serves, and identified one in particular, called a “kick” serve, which creates the highest potential for shoulder injury.


The results, published in a recent issue of Annals of Biomedical Engineering, could aid sports training and rehab, said Alison Sheets, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio State University.

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Holy, nature is amazing! I want to go scuba diving again! I tried to take a diving vacation to the Yucatan last summer but I got an ear infection after my first dive and had to resort to snorkeling the whole time :(


Oh- be so careful. When I learned how to dive, I got an ear infection too. I pushed through it abit (sounds so dumb now) and lost some hearing. I seem to have regained some, but it's really dangerous. I used to get chronic ear infections.


I have decided scuba really isn't my sport. I do so many other expensive, time-consuming sports that nixing one is probably a good thing. :)

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1 week done, 3 more weeks with my arm immobilized. I'm going mad! I think I'm going back to the gym tomorrow for some light cardio, we'll see how it goes.. I still have a massive bruise over the top of my biceps but it's not as painful to the touch as it was a few days ago. Unfortunately I'm not sleeping really well since I have to lie on my back with multiple pillows to stay inclined, and that's just not the most comfy way to sleep!! Can't really roll on my side either :/


Back to school work.. hoping to be 100% caught up by Monday.

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1 week done, 3 more weeks with my arm immobilized. I'm going mad! I think I'm going back to the gym tomorrow for some light cardio, we'll see how it goes.. I still have a massive bruise over the top of my biceps but it's not as painful to the touch as it was a few days ago. Unfortunately I'm not sleeping really well since I have to lie on my back with multiple pillows to stay inclined, and that's just not the most comfy way to sleep!! Can't really roll on my side either :/


Back to school work.. hoping to be 100% caught up by Monday.


Bike. That's about the only thing that doesn't really need arms. Even on the elliptical I found there was too much jostling!

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