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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I know your pain. Just keep chugging away and eventually you'll get back to being normal size! :)


I busted my right knee 2 XC seasons ago and was basically unable to do anything involving my lower body other than biking for 8 months (and gimping around on my good leg). After 6 months of trying to build back up, my right quad is still only about 2/3 of the size of my left. I'm trying to do a one legged squat on it every time I go down the stairs at home to speed things up. *sigh*


You'll get it back!!


My first 2 surgeries it took me around 5-6 months to get back to close to max strength on most exercises, but that was with strengthening starting very soon after surgery. I have 2 more weeks of nothing, then 4 weeks of no resistance. I think I'll go mad!! Haha

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You'll get it back!!


My first 2 surgeries it took me around 5-6 months to get back to close to max strength on most exercises, but that was with strengthening starting very soon after surgery. I have 2 more weeks of nothing, then 4 weeks of no resistance. I think I'll go mad!! Haha

Thanks for the encouragement Michelle! :)


The job hunt has begun. Went to an interview today where the guy told me that he needs experienced waitresses and I "should be doing much better things than this anyway".


Since when is it so hard to get a job waiting tables?! :(

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Lol, did you mention that you will be attending med school in the fall?? Because I imagine that would intimidate most managers. :P


I generally give out a very bare bones version of my resume for jobs like that. I only include relevant employment experience, and take out anything related to research, GPA, and volunteering.


Nope. Didn't mention that part. I have an inkling as to what part of the problem is though - I have only one former employer and it was the military. People look at it and go: :eek:


I think the other thing might be looks. Certain restaurants only hire very attractive wait staff. I think I should start looking at lower end stuff and potentially fast food. Mid-range and fine dining probably isn't going to work out for an average joe who's never waited tables in their life. :o


Good: Getting a free lunch and dinner.

Bad: Having the lunch and dinner both be Pizza Pizza.


Omnomnom. I want!

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Nope. Didn't mention that part. I have an inkling as to what part of the problem is though - I have only one former employer and it was the military. People look at it and go: :eek:


I think the other thing might be looks. Certain restaurants only hire very attractive wait staff. I think I should start looking at lower end stuff and potentially fast food. Mid-range and fine dining probably isn't going to work out for an average joe who's never waited tables in their life. :o




Omnomnom. I want!


Wait.. why do you want a job as a hostess?


As for looks.. you can always get an injuction from the human rights tribunal. that should be fun.


Usually jobs like that are relatively easy to come by.. where I live anyways... Why not try a chain restaurant like Kelsey's , Boston Pizza.. ect..


Good luck

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Wait.. why do you want a job as a hostess?


As for looks.. you can always get an injuction from the human rights tribunal. that should be fun.


Usually jobs like that are relatively easy to come by.. where I live anyways... Why not try a chain restaurant like Kelsey's ' date=' Boston Pizza.. ect..


Good luck[/quote']


Thanks! I have nothing to do till June/July so I'm finding something to keep myself busy with. No engineering firm will hire you for less than a year, it would take more time to train me than the time I would be there, haha. So menial, minimal brain function required jobs it is! :)

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Thanks! I have nothing to do till June/July so I'm finding something to keep myself busy with. No engineering firm will hire you for less than a year, it would take more time to train me than the time I would be there, haha. So menial, minimal brain function required jobs it is! :)


Thats good to know.. I hope my coop pays off for engineering if i end up doing a gap year.

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Curious what people think about this.


If you came across an exam where 40% of those who took it failed and 81% had a mark that was less than 60% would you think this was an exam written to try and fail people?


No I didn't fail and yea I was higher than 60% but seeing those stats gives me a serious vibe that this exam was meant to try and fail people or redistribute marks.


If my 8 exams I've written so far this year, and with exception of this exam, the next highest fail rate was 20.5%. All others were less than 10%.


Seems fishy to me.

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What course was this (if you don't mind me asking)?



Curious what people think about this.


If you came across an exam where 40% of those who took it failed and 81% had a mark that was less than 60% would you think this was an exam written to try and fail people?


No I didn't fail and yea I was higher than 60% but seeing those stats gives me a serious vibe that this exam was meant to try and fail people or redistribute marks.


If my 8 exams I've written so far this year, and with exception of this exam, the next highest fail rate was 20.5%. All others were less than 10%.


Seems fishy to me.

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Curious what people think about this.


If you came across an exam where 40% of those who took it failed and 81% had a mark that was less than 60% would you think this was an exam written to try and fail people?


No I didn't fail and yea I was higher than 60% but seeing those stats gives me a serious vibe that this exam was meant to try and fail people or redistribute marks.


If my 8 exams I've written so far this year, and with exception of this exam, the next highest fail rate was 20.5%. All others were less than 10%.


Seems fishy to me.



Sounds like my organic chemistry II class... I think the class average was a D (so between 50-55%)... I know for a fact that of the 5 friends I know who took the course, 3 failed, one got a D, another got an A (jeolous;) - he is a certified genius.. lol ) and I got a B+.. I was just happy to escape my last weed out class with a gpa relatively intact. As for my friends. well lets just say that 3 of them for sure are evaluating whether they want to go into med.. :(


So i would agree that some courses/ exams are set up to bring down the average of the class. Some profs don't like it when a lot of students do well in their class - personally I think doing well means your a good teacher..


Compare this with fluid mechanics - supposedly one of the harder courses in engineering - the class average was a B and the prof did a wonderful job at explaining the material it was rather a pleasure to attend that class.

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