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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Thanks! I have nothing to do till June/July so I'm finding something to keep myself busy with. No engineering firm will hire you for less than a year, it would take more time to train me than the time I would be there, haha. So menial, minimal brain function required jobs it is! :)


Good luck mm- sometimes it's not easy when you have a strange-looking resume.


Sometimes you need to say something along the lines of "I may only be around for a few months, but I'm a hard worker and a quick learner, and you won't regret hiring me."


If I was in your shoes, I have no problem thinkng about what I would do. I want to learn how to make fancy coffees, so I would go ind a job as a barista. :)

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I'm halfway into my 4 week long immobilization!! Only 2 more weeks sleeping with my sling and until I start physio..


Hope you feel better soon psychoswim! Good to hear you already are :) had to read back a bit to understand your post haha


Had to do a double take, totally saw "had" at first....:o


Babies are totally cute!


Hahahaha! Nope! Unless you count that grade 10 parenting baby, which I totally treated as a real baby hahah


And agreed, they are!!

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Doing some studying on genetics, mutations and chromosome abnormalities... things that result in handicapped people (physical or mental) and it makes me realize how much of life is not just unfair but extremely random that most handicapped people are a result of just crappy luck.

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^ I was referring to the 1998 storm.
Me too. I'm just saying that it's not like they can compare to Montreal when they're not actually there.


If you were someone who went through it, couldn't leave their house for days and had to use the BBQ for heat and to eat then a long time ago seems like yesterday :)


I can remember it really well.

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Curious what people think about this.


If you came across an exam where 40% of those who took it failed and 81% had a mark that was less than 60% would you think this was an exam written to try and fail people?


No I didn't fail and yea I was higher than 60% but seeing those stats gives me a serious vibe that this exam was meant to try and fail people or redistribute marks.


If my 8 exams I've written so far this year, and with exception of this exam, the next highest fail rate was 20.5%. All others were less than 10%.


Seems fishy to me.


So once my exam is over next Tuesday I am going to sit down with a prof in another faculty to get his feedback on how to approach this situation. I've encountered a number of students who feel like that got screwed by the exam but I'll not be approaching this from a emotional perspective in the least. Stats tell a compelling story - 39% failed the exam and NO ONE received a mark higher than 72% and the overall class average was 51.7%


I have one advantage perhaps, and that is since I deferred my exam I was privy to knowing that these stats were going into the exam and actually emailed my prof before writing to express concern over such low averages and why that would be the case. So from this aspect I actually showed my concern prior to writing the exam and not afterwards when I learned of my mark.


I don't know what will come but feel I need to take up this cause as I feel something is not right and frankly, stinks to high hell.


My issue here isn't with exams being hard but rather my issue is with fairness and testing us on such a basis and an exam that failed 39% of people and that had a class average of 51.7% and with the highest mark not being higher than 72% tells me that this was an exam not designed in the interests of fairness to the students. Had we see a normal distribution of marks yet the average remained low than I would say it was fair and a lot of people didn't put in the effort but this is most definitely not the case.

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