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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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But if your grade is okay, it is not your problem.


Also, there must be a deadline w/i which to complain and therefore, time is of the essence. The ombudsperson will give advice. In my experience there are good ombudspeople who have good judgment and common sense; and others, who know the rules but otherwise are clueless.

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If you were someone who went through it, couldn't leave their house for days and had to use the BBQ for heat and to eat then a long time ago seems like yesterday :)



Um, I read this as:


...had to use the BBQ for heat and to eat them ...

:eek: :eek:


I don't know what is wrong with my brain right now.


Well, GTG to work!

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.... study, study, studdddyyy! Midterms on Monday and Tuesday .. can't wait till I come home Tuesday night :P


I know the fustration of having unfair evaluations like that Aaron :(. GL with your appeal, if you go through with it. I took a introductory religion course for my elective and my TA marked ridiculously. Class average = 30%, highest mark = 72% (only two people) .. and the other section had a class average of 80%. I debated appealing it because my answers were solid and the people who I studied with who had similiar answers got a good 30% (100%) higher than me... the test was really straight forward and the questions between the sections were really similiar. I was told appeals don't go very far so I ended up dropping it and taking 6 courses the next semester though.

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All I've done today is go get an iphone and then play with said iphone. Which I am still doing. The BrainView app is way too awesome. Was planning on watching 9 hours of nutrition lectures, but that did not happen, lol.


iphones are the bomb lol I have no idea what that is - downloading it

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android >>>> everything else

I just wanted you guys to know that




Just went to finally see The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo with my high school best friend I pretty much hadn't seen in 10 years. Great movie!! I thought it followed pretty closely the book, moving more quickly on some of the more lengthy portions. Great casting as well. Now I need to read the book again except if I start I won't be able to stop!!

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It's been 10 days since I broke my humerus. Healing seems to be coming along nicely, although all the fluid is now flowing into my forearm and hand due to gravity and is making the region swollen. My arm seems more stable now and I can move my forearm with my humerus when externally rotating the shoulder about 30 degrees, which is good since it shows that a connection is forming. Probably won't be at school this week, though. I want to make sure my arm is well enough before I take any chances. If that means I have to study 8 hours per day the next month, so be it.

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It's been 10 days since I broke my humerus. Healing seems to be coming along nicely, although all the fluid is now flowing into my forearm and hand due to gravity and is making the region swollen. My arm seems more stable now and I can move my forearm with my humerus when externally rotating the shoulder about 30 degrees, which is good since it shows that a connection is forming. Probably won't be at school this week, though. I want to make sure my arm is well enough before I take any chances. If that means I have to study 8 hours per day the next month, so be it.


Progress! :) Try to massage your hand and forearm a little, it will help with the swelling. My hand is still swollen since it's velcro'ed in front of my waist, but it at least helps a bit.

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