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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Where the frig does the time go?


2 midterms and 2 papers due next week. Exam (yr long course so not a *big* one) tomorrow night.


Amazing how it just kinda creeps up on ya then whamo! Hah


Hope everyone had a good weekend :)


You should be glad time is passing quickly. One step closer to your med school dreams! :)

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Since about 2am this morning, I've had my entire right side in spasm. I mean intercostals, serratus ant/post, pec minor, scalenes, upper trap, lat, quadratus lumborum... I can barely breathe as every time my rib cage wants to expand everything hurts like hell!! And I can't even lie down without wanting to cry.. No idea what happened but muscle relaxants aren't doing the trick :/ Thinking about taking some of my left-over pain killers to hopefully ease the pain *ouch* I managed 1 hour at school, and I'm staying home tomorrow if it's still like that.

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I need some advice on a problem I've had the last couple days:


I am taking a stats course online through distance education and all of the marking (besides the final) is done through web assignments. There are a bunch of assignments and 3 1-hour timed tests throughout the semester. The tests start the timer right as you open the link and they are supposed to only be available for a 24 hour window at a specified time. Anyways, I clicked on one of the tests to see when that window was going to be (it was supposed to be about a week away still) and sure enough, the test fired up. I was still a chapter behind so I closed the page immediately thinking it was just a mistake.


Long story short, I got a 0 recorded for that test which is worth over 3% of the final grade. I e-mailed the prof about the problem and he basically said tough sh!t and it's only worth about 3% so I can make it up through other assignments. I replied back with a very stiff e-mail voicing my position. The course syllabus specifically stated that it will only be available for a 24 hour period after the 4th assignment was due (which was still about a week off). There were no warnings or any notice about the test being up/active so I assumed it would say "this test is not available until ______ date". I took the pre-req course last year with the same system and did not have any problems. Even all of that aside, somebody could quite easily click on the link accidentally or just not know it would start with no warnings or anything.


So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the prof is going to continue being a d!ck and not give me a break. How should I proceed with this assuming I don't get a positive response from the prof? I am usually pretty easy going with these situations and won't sweat over 0.5% or anything, but he expects me to just eat over 3% of my final grade. Any advice anybody could give for this situation would be appreciated.

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I am taking a stats course online through distance education...


Appeals committees exist. Do it ASAP. I have never had to invoke one, but they are there. Call your academic advising office in the morning, AND you should maybe give your prof a heads-up that you'll be doing it. There's no subjective marking, right, so it can't


I do a lot of courses through DE, and can probably help a little, esp if you let me know the school you're going through. If it's Ath or TRU I'm familiar with both of their systems.


I'm only online after business hours this week, but i am willing to help. Maybe posting this in the general premed disc forum would help too.


Good luck!

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Since about 2am this morning, I've had my entire right side in spasm. I mean intercostals, serratus ant/post, pec minor, scalenes, upper trap, lat, quadratus lumborum... I can barely breathe as every time my rib cage wants to expand everything hurts like hell!! And I can't even lie down without wanting to cry.. No idea what happened but muscle relaxants aren't doing the trick :/ Thinking about taking some of my left-over pain killers to hopefully ease the pain *ouch* I managed 1 hour at school, and I'm staying home tomorrow if it's still like that.


Which painkillers? Only codiene/methocarbamol worked for me. Same muscles, not surgery-related though. I think it was possibly lack of movement-related. Have you tried gentle range-of-motion? Also, I give he caveat that I am not liscenced in any way to give this info. :P


Sorry to hear about your pain. :(


Also- the blog entry for Calgary today was really something. I am elated, and almost don't even care if I get an interview this year, because my GPA will go up by about 0.4 next year if I apply there again.

I don't think it has even fully hit me yet.

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Holy crow # viewing at this hour!! (I'm awake because I slept in past 11 and can seem to fall asleep now. :o )


Reading some of the threads is making me so sad. :(

Especially the UT one, it somehow seems even more heartbreaking than last year!


Gotta admit its pretty intimidating seeing the stats getting rejected.


Time to step it up i guess :)

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When the med schools make their decision for interviews, at the end of the day, they end up with an excellent class of students - and that is all that matters to them. Although some students to receive a seat after one application cycle only, all serious applicants need to understand they will likely need to apply for more than one cycle and those who take this longterm view with persistence will be successful at the end.

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Which painkillers? Only codiene/methocarbamol worked for me. Same muscles, not surgery-related though. I think it was possibly lack of movement-related. Have you tried gentle range-of-motion? Also, I give he caveat that I am not liscenced in any way to give this info. :P


Sorry to hear about your pain. :(



Yeah I'm taking methocarbamol to help relax the muscles, but I took a couple oxycodone last night so I could sleep a little. And of course this morning I'm throwing up bile :/ My doc also thinks it's related to my other side being completely immobilized.

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Big blimp filled with H. Went KABOOM as a result, supposedly, no one actually knows what happens. Too many theories.


Yup. And tested on Mythbusters - I think they said it was because of the coating but I can't remember if they "explained" it.


I'm feeling just a bit better now.. No more nausea since I threw up all the bile in my body this morning. And I picked up some Robax platinum at the drugstore - for some reason the one with ibuprofen works so much better for my dad and me. Of course all that means I'm again behind in school work with the first midterm (easy.. biostats open-book) on Thursday, then 5 more in Feb :( And I just realized I haven't bought my bus pass for tomorrow. Ugh

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I'm feeling just a bit better now.. No more nausea since I threw up all the bile in my body this morning. And I picked up some Robax platinum at the drugstore - for some reason the one with ibuprofen works so much better for my dad and me. Of course all that means I'm again behind in school work with the first midterm (easy.. biostats open-book) on Thursday, then 5 more in Feb :( And I just realized I haven't bought my bus pass for tomorrow. Ugh


It's just one of those weeks! :(


Hang in there!

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