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MLB 2009 Season

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I'm in Montreal that week for fun and contemplating getting some tickets to see that match up but a four and a half hour train ride each way is kind of frightening.


I love the Jays but I really doubt they can maintain this with the length of the season. They just don't have the pitching and their bats are going to cool down eventually. Here's to hoping, though

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I'm in Montreal that week for fun and contemplating getting some tickets to see that match up but a four and a half hour train ride each way is kind of frightening.


I love the Jays but I really doubt they can maintain this with the length of the season. They just don't have the pitching and their bats are going to cool down eventually. Here's to hoping, though


Here's to hoping indeed. Although, their pitching is slowly coming back and is only going to get better as the season progresses. I am going to get 10 game flex pack and if I do, AJ vs Halladay will be hella fun to watch. :D

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That's sweet! I got a 10 game flex pack, going to all 3 yankees games. Pretty good seats too, 24th row behind home plate (try to find me on tv!!) haha. Hopefully the game lives up to the hype!


A-Rod is sitting the games out!

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MAN AMAZING GAME. It felt like the playoffs! Mad intensity. I'm so happy I was there. I wonder if the next two games will be fun too (going to those too).


It was so much fun booing A-Roid. At one point, he fouled a ball and a fan threw it back onto the field. It was hilarious.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh God... *pukes*

Let's hope the Jays get their ballcaps screwed back in properly before this weekend's games (I'm gonna go to those!).

I'm a big Sox' fan and my buddy is a huge Jay's fan - so we've been chirping at each other all summer.


I had a feeling that the Jay's bats would dry up eventually, and then their pitching would be exposed.

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I'm a big Sox' fan and my buddy is a huge Jay's fan - so we've been chirping at each other all summer.


I had a feeling that the Jay's bats would dry up eventually, and then their pitching would be exposed.


Well, I thought their hitting would dry up a bit too... but it obviously is not this bad. They were hitting the ball hard for a good quarter of the season and I'm sure they'll rebound from this tough losing streak. The biggest problem seems to be their inability to cash runners home. They've also caught some really bad breaks over these past seven games (including the last game, when a harmless line drive (w/the bases loaded) was not caught by Lyle Overbay... could have probably turned two and ended the inning). The thing that is really concerning me is they are starting to hit like last year's team... alex rios and vernon wells are just not hitting the ball well at all (and obviously, if they don't... the Jays will not be able to compete). We'll see, I have a feeling that they will get over this fairly soon. I'm sure the huge losing streak has definitely hurt their confidence though.

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Yeah; they were playing well at the start - scared me a little bit, but this had to happen, its the Jays...


Yeah, they are stranding way too many on base; its something they're going to have to break out of ASAP, because the Sox' look like they're starting to heat up.


Too bad Holliday can't play every day... hah, they could use that.


But it would still be nice for the Jay's to get in on the wild card - being Canada's team and all. Plus its nice to watch the Sox destroy them ;)

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