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MLB 2009 Season

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Haha, that was before he refined his pitch. Now, undoubtedly, Halladay is the best pitcher in the majors.

Yeah; I'll give it to him - he has shown his stuff.


Toronto needs a good closer now. That first loss to the Braves was brutal; Not only did Roy pitch perfectly; but the closers ruined it - and the bats were dry.


Papelbon...now there is a closer.

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Yeah; I'll give it to him - he has shown his stuff.


Toronto needs a good closer now. That first loss to the Braves was brutal; Not only did Roy pitch perfectly; but the closers ruined it - and the bats were dry.


Papelbon...now there is a closer.


Scott Downs has done a really good job though. If he keeps things up, I'd say he's a solid person to close games. Some of the Jays' relief pitching has been wonky though - no doubt. I don't know why Cito does not use Jason Frasor more, he has definitely been an awesome relief pitcher this season. Anyway, all the pitching in the world won't help if the Jays keep hitting like this. I was so happy to see Alex Rios was benched today and Adam Lind in his spot. I hope that's the case tomorrow too.

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Ha. Well if they keep losing games big, it won't help in the end. Luckily for you the Sox stunk it up today as well.


But still a long season to go...


One thing is for sure... it's gonna be a hell of a season. Red Sox and Yanks will be fighting it out like usual, and hopefully the Jays and Rays keep things interesting as well. I don't know what is going on with the Jays... seems like everything has instantly come undone. Cito's gotta get the club together and try to fire up the troops. They started off well today, but again, couldn't cash in with RISP. They did a bit in the first and second, but definitely not good enough. Then the wheels started to really come off.

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Still a game and a half up on Toronto..


Too bad the Yanks caught up.


Big series this weekend with Sox/Jays.


Haha... that doesn't count. A game and a half when there's still 3/4 of the season to go. :P I'm praying the Jays get their act together... especially since I'm going to the Boston series and WE NEED THE WINS. UGH! lol

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Omg A Win!


lol... well this goes to show you how good the Jays are compared to the rest of the league. Nine losses in a row and here they are, just 1.5GB of first place in the AL EAST. GO JAYS GO!!! Let's keep this win streak going! And this is despite the fact that Boston had an 11 game WIN STREAK and NY a 9 game win streak earlier.

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Yanks lose today. Bosox whip the Jays (8-2... although the spiral started in the game on a ball that was VERY CLOSELY fouled off.).


Still, 2 out of 3 from Boston following a 9 game losing streak is always good in my books. Now let's bring on the Angels!!!

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