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Does John Hopkins University in the US have a strong medical program?

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I am thinking about finishing my bachelor of science degree here in Canada before going over to the states for med school and to practice medicine.


Recently, I was introduced to John Hopkins University as being a top med school.


How is its international reputation? Also, if I graduated from there with a license/degree, would the degree be recognized in Canada if I want to come back?

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I am thinking about finishing my bachelor of science degree here in Canada before going over to the states for med school and to practice medicine.


Recently, I was introduced to John Hopkins University as being a top med school.


How is its international reputation? Also, if I graduated from there with a license/degree, would the degree be recognized in Canada if I want to come back?


LOL. Have you written the mcat? what is your gpa? lets not jump the gun - get in first, and then we will see what happens.


BTW, it is basically a step behind harvard.

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But imagine if you were already planning on going to Hopkins as soon as you graduated high school? You could build up a pretty ballin' application with all that time...



Most Hopkins matriculants started drafting their personal statements in middle school.

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Hopkins is the shizzle. Its the best non-ivy league school (ivy league schools are too snobby for my tastes). I spend my summers at JHMI doing research, they're so ballin' over there, lol. $500 a day to run scans on the 9.4T MRI scanner is like nothing to them. I also met class of '12 last summer, they seemed like lost lamb in a brave new world, LOL. I directed one (only one) new med student in the right direction, therefore I am cool :D. I also am gunning for Hopkins if I don't get into Ontario med. My GPA is there, but my MCAT isn't (hope to fix that later this month).


But be prepared to deposit $US 252,000 in an escrow account by July 1st of the year you start classes. Oh and Baltimore is like so unsafe. People don't even trust the public buses. JHMI has their own shuttles that run between buildings, no one uses public transportation there. I never stayed out past dark either cause I was renting a basement near the inner harbour area (unsafe as hell at night).

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Heres something else thats fun:




I was living on the south side of inner-harbor. I changed my walking route after I saw this map, LOL. Hopkins is like an island of awesomeness in a really bad neighbourhood of Baltimore. Seriously you could walk 2 blocks away from the hospital & other JHMI buildings and be in like the straight ghettos. I'm talking boarded up doors, scary looking people, kids on bikes that mug random people (including my friend), etc.


First night I was out I saw blue strobe lights on top of poles set up at intersections. The next morning I was told that these blue strobes indicated "dangerous areas" that I really should avoid at night :eek:.

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Reminds me of Ohio and Case Western.


But the again, it's not like Ontario doesn't have its infamous 'danger zones'.


I would say the most dangerous part of Toronto would be Jane&Finch or some parts of Malvern. But if you take the hardest gangsters from those areas and dropped them off near some of the projects in Baltimore, they'd most likely be scared sh*tless. Made me appreciate how safe Toronto really is.

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Oh and Baltimore is like so unsafe. People don't even trust the public buses. JHMI has their own shuttles that run between buildings, no one uses public transportation there. I never stayed out past dark either cause I was renting a basement near the inner harbour area (unsafe as hell at night).


LOL, I was once stranded in the inner harbour area at night, at age 14 with a guy friend who was 15 - my genius grandfather managed to wreck his car there and then he decided that he and his wife would hitch a ride downtown to get a tow truck and leave 2 teenagers to wait for them for 2 hours in the middle of the freaking Baltimore port at night.


Surprisingly, nothing happened to us.:rolleyes:

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I would say the most dangerous part of Toronto would be Jane&Finch or some parts of Malvern. But if you take the hardest gangsters from those areas and dropped them off near some of the projects in Baltimore, they'd most likely be scared sh*tless. Made me appreciate how safe Toronto really is.


yeah malvern!!! my old home!! lol .....malvern isnt so bad.

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Inner-harbour is safe and cool to hang out at during the day...not during the night. On the plus side, I hear if you wanted coke all you had to do was walk over to the area near federal hill at night, LOL. Hopefully you wouldn't get mugged instead though...


Malvern isn't all bad. But some parts are pretty bad. Depends where you go. Those parts are good sources for *ahem* "stuff", but not somewhere I'd want to hang out in the night.

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