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Dr. Jan Intor

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I've been studyin just couple hours a day for the last couple weeks and I just wanted to check in and see how I'm doing compared to everyone else writing for the first time this summer. I started with Physics using EK and am done and comfortable with the first 4 lectures and have now moved to to Chemistry and again using EK im on lecture right now. I have also signed up for a prep course starting next week.


I just wanted to see if I'm behind or am I on pace to be prepared in time (MCAT Aug 14th).


So I'd appreciate if other people shared how theyre coming a long as well as if people have written it before telling me if I need to pick of the pace etc.



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Started last week, signed up for a prep course starting in late May.


Doing a number of hours each day, I've been using EK Physics + some online physics material (since I've had no prior knowledge of physics since grade 11) and I'm secure with the first 2 lectures now, and still only average with number 3. (Clearly, I've been running through physics quite slowly). I've also been doing a bit of gen. chemistry and am OK with first few lectures.


I'm planning on writing in Sept though.

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