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Maybe your scholarship application just doesn't require any more info or something, who knows. (Maybe the reported income isn't close enough to what's required for the Schulich scholarship). Seriously guys, don't read into stuff tonight, just wait til tomorrow, it's so close anyways.

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In the past Western has not outright rejected applicants on May 15th, unless it was deemed by two of the interviewers that the applicant is unfit for medicine, which I don't think happens often. I've personally never heard of it happening.


I would try not to read into it at all, and would instead just wait until tomorrow. No point getting your hopes up when the scholarship people might just be getting everyone's stuff in order. No way to know. Pretty sure the schulich scholarship offers won't be mentioned in the email tomorrow anyways, just good news or waitlist news.


p.s. boourns to dermatology....


i know of someone last year who got 3 outright rejections on may 15th - mac, uwo and queens. so it does happen. but rarely i suppose...ouch

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