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Hi all,


All I have heard so far is acceptances. Has anybody been rejected yet? I can't help but worry that rejection letters are coming out later, and that would just be plain mean.


I just received my rejection letter today. Best of luck to those still waiting.. :rolleyes:

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I was there last year, sperry. It's an anticlimactic end to it all :(. What province are you from? What city?


Sorry - I'm in Halifax (in province applicant). I believe that the letter was dated May 13th. This was my 2nd time applying to Dal. I couldn't apply last year because I was in the middle of a grad program.


The MMI was a definite improvement over the panel interview I had in 2007. And I'm really glad that the letters were mailed around the same date. I had to wait a few months for the letter last time around, and that was pretty tough.


My stats are hard to figure out because I'm a non-traditional applicant. I had a mediocre MCAT score though (28Q) so I'll be re-writing once I finish off my thesis. I knew that I was in for the long haul when I decided to go back for an MSc. I'll re-apply again and see how things go.


Hope you receive good news :)

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You and I seem to have a fair amount in common. I was rejected last year with a 28S (10-8-10), so I rewrote. I'm in it for the long haul as well, since I just sarted a second degree this past year. Here's hoping the kaibosh will be put on that later today.

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Hey Sperry,


Know exactly how you feel.. was there last year and feel another one looming this year. Did they at least give you any feedback on the letter?


I should have mentioned that there was no feedback at all in the letter. You can email Tracy Teed and schedule a phone call during the week of June 22nd if you would like feedback regarding your application.


Hang in there.

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