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Pre-MMI Scores Available (for 2009)

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Although they haven't updated the admissions webpage, the pre-MMI scores are available if you login to the system. Unfortunately it doesn't state the cutoff, which would be very interesting to compare with the last couple years given the increase in class size. Time to plan for next year!

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Yeah it's underneath the two sections document status and personal info called Judges Score.


If anyone is curious, I only got 62.09, anyone else found out what their scores were yet??


edit: Also, there is a tiny note below it stating "You have been rejected for interview. Thank you for your application.". very encouraging.

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Does anyone know what the cut-off score for interview for both IP and OOP were?? I finally have my score and i wanna know how far i was and how much i need to improve to get an interview next year


last year it was 71.05. if anyone finds this years' number, please post!

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I got 66.6%! (actually 66.58;-)) I was rejected pre-interview - no wonder!!!:) What a lucky number;) I am glad I was rejected pre-interview though, cause it allowed me to get an awesome Master's position instead of just hanging in limbo for months while waiting for probable admission and missing out on more probable great opportunities





P.S. it's all for the better

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Yeah, it's definitely for people who didn't receive an interview. Also, since they haven't updated the web page, it's possible they haven't finished updating all the scores as well (just guessing here).


No cutoffs were listed anywhere that I could see, which is killing me. ;) I want to know how far off I was for next year! I received a 66 as well and I'm IP, so we know the IP cutoff was at least that much. I'm guessing it must have gone down from 71.05 with the extra seats this year.


I'm putting my money on 69. ;)

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It would be so nice to know the cut-off score. Offering more seats might have lowered the cutoff, but then again there were a lot of people who applied this year.


I got a 65.75 and I'm IP. Does anyone know how they mark your extracurricular activities? Is it by the amount of time you've held a certain position, or the variety of relevant activities, or what? I got a 15/25 so there is definitely room to improve, I just don't know the best way to do it. Guess I'll starting volunteering at the hospital again and continue to teach high school students basic science, and just jump on any other volunteer activity that looks appealing.

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had a 67.815....i was shocked at how i scored in some of the sections :( my 3.7 undergrad GPA didn't seem to weigh even up to 60% under academics...

I hope they post he cut-off somewhere. I'm retaking the MCAT and hoping to raise my score by some 3-5 points. had a 27 last yr. hopefully that'll get me an interview at least next yr

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Threads from last year seem to suggest that there are different dates when the scores are released for different categories of applicants. (as in rejected pre-interview, waitlist post-interview, etc)


I think the score for waitlisted ppl show up later this month or something like that b/c I saw (from last year's threads) as waitlisters get offer from Calgary, they would post their scores and others on the waitlist had some idea of how close they are to maybe getting an offer.

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They stated explicitly that as long as an application is actively under consideration (accepted or waitlisted), they will not disclose the scores.


I guess that means that unsuccessful applicants from the waitlist will only find out after the class is filled...whenever that is!

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I'm really baffled on how they score the extra curriculars. About five years ago I decided to pre-plan for my med app and get involved in a large variety of extra-curriculars. I was involved in student governance for four years until I was eventually president of the students' association. I served on so many boards and committees, I even received a scholarship and award for that work.


In addition, I volunteered at the hospital for three years and at a physical therapy clinic for 1.5 years. I worked in a research lab for a year, as well as a counsellor for a year during my master's program. I've played musical instruments since i was a child, along with being involved in certain sporting events for many years and I have a few academic scholarships and professional memberships.


This year I received an extra-curricular score of 18/25. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I just don't know what to do to improve this section. I certainly don't think I can do anything in the next four months to make that score go up by 2 or 3 points. I must have underestimated the value of student governance, or they are brutal in how they score this section.


So I'm going to focus on re-writing my MCAT this year. It seems my best option for upping my score by a few points.

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I think it is very hard to say what or how those areas are scored. It may even depend on who reads your application each time.


I have no idea what I scored but it must have been okay as it helped land me an interview and waitlist position. I do not have quantity in the number of things I did, but I have extremely long term commitments in the ECs that I listed (10+ years in varied capacities) and my time commitment/year is fairly significant as well.


In another application year, these ECs might not even help me get to the interview stage (never helped me in the last 3 application cycles at other universities). I think the only advice I can give is to continue applying yourself to your volunteering/EC commitments and continue to grow as a person.

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This year I received an extra-curricular score of 18/25. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I just don't know what to do to improve this section. I certainly don't think I can do anything in the next four months to make that score go up by 2 or 3 points. I must have underestimated the value of student governance, or they are brutal in how they score this section.


So I'm going to focus on re-writing my MCAT this year. It seems my best option for upping my score by a few points.


18/25 sounds pretty high to me. Keep things in perspective, too. For example, I think I scored something like 9 out of 20 on U of A's "personal attributes" last year - and that was above the ADMITTED average (and this is people admitted right away, not including candidates off the waitlist). I believe the admitted average PAS was around 7 (someone here correct me if you have your papers from last year).

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