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Concordia and King's UC

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I'm gearing up to get back in the saddle...need to raise my GPA and knock off the last of my pre-reqs after taking some time off. I know typically people who get into UofA or UofC are from bigger schools, but I'm deciding between Concordia and the King's University College. Anyone have any feedback on these two? Thanks all.

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King's University College in London, ON?


As far as I know, they receive full degrees because of UWO (like any university), but their class sizes are smaller. Doesn't mean they are necessarily easier... I've heard some classes are easier and some are much harder, its all luck of the draw.


UofA doesn't judge based on the school you go to... but you'll have to make sure that the pre-req courses you take at King's are going to be equivalent to UofA's university courses. If they aren't, you might have to look into getting special permission from faculties at UWO to take the courses through them, while still attending King's.

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