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Volunteering reasons???

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hey guys, I got a quick question.


I got an interview with my local hospital regarding volunteering for them and most likely they will ask me why do I want to volunteer for them.


My main three reasons are to get at least some sort of exposure to the medical field(even though i know it wont be much), to feel in an extra line under the extra curricular for the med school application and finally to maybe help people, even if it will be indirectly.


Now I was just wondering if they do ask me why do i want to volunteer for them, is there anything else I can say, because my worry is that if I say the above, I will probably sound just like every other candidate applying and wont stand out.


Like is there something I can say that will just make me look like a plain good guy who wants to help?:) (and dont get me wrong, I do want to help)


Any ideas?



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Do NOT say that you want to fill in an extra line under the EC for the med school application, if I were interviewing you, the interview would be over without hiring you.


Just tell the truth, that you wish to help others and obtain any experience with patients to genuinely help them and to ensure that will find such an atmospeher fulfilling etc.


I can tell you from first hand experience that you don't want to be simply carrying TVs into and out of patients rooms. Try to get a job in recreational therapy playing cards with patients etc. It is a rewarding experience, you get to know them, you are relieiving loneliness, etc.

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Yeah never mention anything about YOU benefiting for Med School. Just let them know you want to help people, and that you want to gain valuble hospital experience because your interested in becoming a doctor. Nothing wrong with letting them know your life goals, just dont tell them you only want to volunteer to boost your resume.

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