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No reply from potential supervisor

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I sent an email to a couple of potential supervisors. They replied back requesting transcript, and CV. I emailed them my transcript and CV but they don't reply back. What should I do? Should I pick up the phone and call them? Why would they not reply?

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I suggest you either drop by their office/email/phone. Just tell them you are following up on the research opportunity and are either to see whether you will have such an opportunity. From my experience working in 3 labs, often the researchers pass your info to their lab monkeys, ie. post-doc, phd students, and they forget to respond or are distracted. I suggest you try to drop by so they will pay attention to you immediately and have a decision.


I noticed during my time in the lab, those who get in are those who show up physically at the door because they can't put you aside like an email and forget.

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They get tons and tons of emails every day, so it is very possible they just ignore some based on the sheer number (how many times have my own emails disappeared somewhere between me and my supervisor!:rolleyes: )


Some other supervisors want you to 'prove' to them that you are eager, so they want you to work for their attention. Not a tactic I really like, either you are interested or not in a certain student.


I agree with the above poster: if you can, just see them personally or if you are not in their city, call them as a follow up. The worst that can happen is that they tell you that they have no more positions or that you are not a good fit for their lab.


Good luck!

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Yea I agree with the other posters in that you should try to contact them again. Profs are extremely busy most of the time, but you shouldn't give up. If your marks are decent, this should not be taken as a sign that they are not interested, but I have come across cases where Profs ignore students because of their marks.


You could also try calling the prof. When I got my first lab position that is exactly what I did and I got the position. I thought the prof lost interest in me, and I had nothing to lose so I just called him and he told me when he was free to meet.


BTW you didn't mention how long it has been since you emailed them...days, weeks? You should generally give them a week or so to respond. I am also assuming this is for a grad position and not a summer position. I would think this is actually kind of late but I know of people who have gotten in at this time so keep trying, and good luck!

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