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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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Here are my suggestions in chronological order:


#1: Welcome to life! You're f#cked!

#2: Suprise! Why me? Oh! Right! Sorry!

#3: Santa Claus is not for real.

#4: What the hell is this place?

#5: Love, learn, suffer, be thankful, laugh.

#6: Did I dream up all this?

#7: Ouch! Yikes! Now I get it!

#8: Joke's on me. Thanks God!

#9: Life: membrane between order and chaos.

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These are someone's perceptions of life at different stages of said life. What I meant by "Santa Claus is not for real" is that, unfortunately, one comes to learn there is no Santa, along with a several other disappointments, which all contribute to the learning experience. Eventually, Dorothy came to realise there is no real Wizard; only some old guy standing behind the curtain. Thanks Toto! You helped Dorothy and her newfound friends learn about reality. Some want to learn the truth; some may want to remain blissfully unaware. I choose the red pill. This is a little harder to explain in 6 words.

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