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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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Mike to the rescue - good one! :P


The Rule of Law must prevail.

Be it Syria, Russia or anywhere.

Dictators try for rule of man.


Everything does happen for a reason.


Football combat is in the air. :)


Today = another day to enjoy life. :)

We don't realize our good fortune.

Freedom is appreciated only when lost.


Obama: Jerusalem undecided on Iran attack.

Priority: Security of USA and Israel.


Israel: Watching Sanctions. Keeping options open.


U.S. pulls diplomats out of Syria.


Greek international bailout in potential jeopardy.

Brinkmanhip and hardball on all sides.

Ball in court of Greek authorities.

They cannot please all the stakeholders.

Mixture of financal realities - political tightrope.

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Why do night classes even exist?


To make you climb the walls. :eek:


Pacing ourselves is so very important.


City of Homs under intense attack.

A full scale assault is expected.

No medication or food allowed in.

Shelling is taking place since dawn.

Red Crescent ambulances not allowed in.


Condemnation of China and Russia veto.

It is betrayal of Syrian people.

Russsian see UNSC Resolution = regime change.

UK: This veto is grave error.


Kremlin don't care seen as villian.

They protecting their Mid East interests,

they seem to believe. Bad judgment.


Queen's 60th anniversary - accession to throne.


Pakastani govt has given contaminated drugs

with result many hospitalized needlessly died.

There is no regulation of pharmaceuticals.

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Pakistan: Bad drugs given - 40,000 patients.

This relates to hospitalized cardiac patients.


UK recalled its ambassador to Syria.

They claim it is 'for consultations'.

This pressure shall have no influence.

International intervention is absolutely required quickly.


Words internationally betray the Syrian people.

Western governments conveniently talk, don't act

under the guise of international law.

So the world watches organized slaughter.


Queen renewed vow to serve subjects.


15 year old playing hockey dies.


Greece is cutting 15,000 government jobs.


I see you watching me Tesla. :D:P

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It keeps moving continuously without stopping. :)


Syrian tanks moving into other cities.

Obama rules out any military intervention.


Stay motivated especially when feeling down.

Success comes to those who persevere.


Giving hope makes such a difference.


Kindness to others shouldn't be underestimated.

By helping others you help yourself.


A man will jump 23 miles.

It will be a space dive.

He will be falling very fast.

Record parachute jump is 20 miles.


Cheerfulness, contentment go a long way.


Optimism and hope always go together.


Greece may default with no bailout,

playing chicken with EU and IMF.


More attacks and deaths in Syria.

Impending ground attack expected in Homs.

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