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"Major" and Credit hour confusion questions

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Hi all,


So I'm beginning the AMCAS application and have so far two questions that I seek some help with...


1) What would you advise be put for the "Have you done a major" part if I've done an honors specialization? From what I know, it is different from a major, but should I just put it in the major box anyways?


2) Credit hours! I've read some faqs on here regarding credit hours and I'm still stumped! On the application, the field is "Credit hours:" with "lab, no lab, etc" underneath it. On my transcript, I have "units", with 1.0 meaning full year etc. Suppose I wish to input a general biology course, with lab. From what I hear, I should just put "Credit hours: 1.0." and tick off "lecture and lab". I suppose what this boils down to is that is a "credit hour" synonymous with "unit", a value which will later be converted using the "lab, no lab, combined lab" field?


Thanks for the help guys.


Edit: What about tutorials? Would I still just put "lecture"?

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