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So where to?

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Currently, I finished first year university and starting second year in Sept.

I want to get into med school but don't know when I should apply.

I have a 3.9 first year and am hoping for 3.9s again second year. I see many universities want the best two years or the best junior and senior years combined.


My question is : Which med schools can I apply for in the summer after second year (if possible)? Also, if the need MCATs.


P.S. Happy 4th of July~

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OMG no way, you could google that? Well, holy flying sht-turd...=.=


I meant if they say they need marks for 2 undergrad years, is it like high school where you can apply using the current year and if you get a conditional acceptance the marks you get at the end will be sent off OR do you have to have those marks set in concrete when you apply?


I need to know since some schools want marks for 3 undergrad years and I wondered if I could apply DUING 3rd year or only AFTER.

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