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Anat309, Anat315, Anat316 at Queen's University... let's hear your $0.02

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Hey guys,

I'm going into 3rd year life sciences and I was thinking of going into the anatomy stream (only because that's the only direction I CAN go).


If you have taken these courses, could you please tell me:

1. who the prof was

2. how it was evaluated..

3. was it hard? easy? and if you dont' mind sharing... what range of a mark you got?


Also, specifically speaking, does Anat315 "musculoskeletal system" make you memorize all of the insertions and origins of the human body?? Because they made us do it for Anat215... and I did very poorly because of that (guessed on every single origin and insertion question on the final exam).


Thank you very much!



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P.S. I wasn't aware that there was an anatomy stream for Life Sci? I thought it was just Neuroscience/Cardiovascular/Cancer/Drugs.


ya i made it up.

There is no such thing as an anatomy stream. I just wanted to make myself feel special.


Thanks bubblebath, I'm gonna avoid the Anat315 then.

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I took 315 in my third year, and thought it was more than reasonable. The professor (can't remember his name) was a terrific teacher, labs were awesome (since it was team-based, and I had a great team), and exams were very very fair. Just be prepared for lots of memorization! As for 316, I didn't take it so I can't offer any input.


Best of luck!

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I took 315 in my third year, and thought it was more than reasonable. The professor (can't remember his name) was a terrific teacher, labs were awesome (since it was team-based, and I had a great team), and exams were very very fair. Just be prepared for lots of memorization! As for 316, I didn't take it so I can't offer any input.


Best of luck!


ya i just read the review for 315 on ratemyprof.com and it got a lot of good reviews. I guess memorization isn't something you really have to complain about. I'm gonna take it.

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I took 315, 316 and 312 in third year lifesci. 316 was by far the easiest for me (all organ systems, less memorizing), but both 315 and 316 were enjoyable because most of the material was review from 215 and 216. Whatever you do, and just in case you're considering it, don't take 312. 34% of my class got below 60% in the course and the average was 65%.

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312 is Neuroscience... it's being offered.


Has anyone taken 309?





okay this is what happened.


312 was suffering from such poor reputation, that it changed its course name in order to avoid be derailed as one of the hardest classes out there and raping your GPA.


Not taking that.


I was thinking of taking anat309 (histology), but I've heard that the lab exams are first degree murder. I can see how it would be... avoiding that too.

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Didn't do ANAT 309, but I've heard it's a pretty difficult course from 3 people I know who took it. They said the lab exams were killer (as previously mentioned) and the prof was kind of whack (expected you to memorize stupid little details). I would definetly suggest ANAT 409 as an alternative, and you don't even need 309 to take it. Try to work it out with Katherine Rudder in September.

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