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^ For sure, Rogers. Especially if you can get the student deal, where you can lock in a special price for a certain amount of time :) (mine was a year, my friend's was 8 months:confused: ).


They aren't awesome, but I haven't had any significant problems, and theres not a whole lot of other options.

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I have Aliant right now and I have no problems with it. I previously had Rogers (when I still lived at home) and also had no problems.


Like someone mentioned, see what package deals you can find. Don't be afraid to push for extras because there are always unlisted promotions available that they don't tell you about unless you ask for extras.

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Hmmm, when I lived in St. John's 3yrs ago it took 6mths before Aliant properly installed their services. They kept hooking up the wrong phone number, no internet, etc., etc. until they finally got it all straight..they were constantly sending over new guys.


Now I live near Port-aux-Basques and all we get is Aliant--and now they REALLY don't give a **** about fixing it because they have no competition out here.


I think you can see that I'm leaning towards Rogers.

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^ sorry I had to write that on the NL thread (working on my NL slang).


Keep tryin'--we don't say that in this region ;)


People in this area tend to say "she" instead of "her"-- "Tabitha went to town to get she groceries."


I need to get into medical school before my children become corrupted.

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^ sorry I had to write that on the NL thread (working on my NL slang).


One thing I always say that confuses people when I am on the mainland is:


"What are you going at tonight?" which then has to be translated into "Are you doing tonight with respect to activities."

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