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Promotion in a job

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Hey guys!


I was wondering if getting a promotion in a job would count for two items?


I was working as a regular staff member my 2nd year and got promoted to a co-ordinator role for the next year. Its the same company but different roles etc...so does that count for 2?


Also, if I made a non-scientific publication during my job, does that also count as one? Its a rather lengthy student manual.

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in Employment:

regular staff member with defined duties occurred during one period of time - and this is one entry.


Next job, different title, different tme frame, same employer is entirely separate entry


the publication was part of your job description in the second position (I assume)

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According to a statement UBC gave me, a publication counts as long as it has been approved by an approved publishing company/ Journal. I think things like school newspaper or workplace newspaper/ pamphlet are things that wouldn't count as a publication but can still be mentioned in your job descriptions.

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