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Adding courses: Credit value/Weight

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I was filling out my course information in the 'adding courses' section and was wondering what to enter for the credit value/weight. There's no information in the OMSAS Help section! This section also changes depending on what university is selected. For example, for York U, I have the options between 1.00 and 9.00, and for MAC, I have the options between 1.00 and 15.00. It's probably a really simple concept i'm missing but can someone please explain what these values mean!!!



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I had this problem earlier too. I guess they don't want you to enter the OMSAS converted weight in those fields (like 1 credit = semester course). They want you to enter the information as it appears on your transcript, so it depends on the weighting/credit system at your university. After you have it all entered, it converts your university credit system into the OMSAS weighting system so you can check if was all entered correctly.

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Thanks Jozn!


I was thinking the same thing too, but the range of numbers that OMSAS offers confuse me. For example, at MAC a credit of a course can be between 1.0 and 6.0 (i.e. 3.0 credits = 1 semester, 4.0 or 5.0 credits = 1 semester + lab, 6.0 credits = 1 year or 2 semesters), but why does the OMSAS numbering go up to 15.0 specifically for MAC?


Don't get me wrong, it's about time that OMSAS considers weight of the courses (before my 5 credit courses would only count for 3 credits (1 semester) thereby lowering my average), but I wish there was more detailed explanations on their website!

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yea i heard abt that


we also have 4 credit courses at york too for bio that have a lab to it... i got 3 of them... at york, they will be considered 12 credits but omsas considers it 9 credits... so thats why im gonna be taking 33 credits in my second year... its kinda unfair... they should be having a 1.5 credit too

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