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First Year Done....now i can complain


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Relax, learn from the past. We rarely learn from our successes, we always learn from our errors, all the more so when they are costly and can cause us further irrepairable damage. Ask yourself what happened and why it happened? Partying? Lack of focus? Inability to study or poor study habits? Distractions? You need to understand pecisely why this occurred before you are in a position to remedy the istuation for the future. It is common for there to be a fall of grades during the transition to UG. It is not the end of the world, it happens to most of us. Now, you need an upward trend and to attain the best marks of which you are capble by prioritizing for time, effort toward studies. Time is not the essentiual ingredient if you know yourself sufficiently to be able to study smart for you. You may need to go to counselling for advice, there is peer tutoring or extra professional tutoring.


Bring your socks up, it is not too late, tihs may be the best thing that ever happend to you with a view to changing your life for the better. There are threads here dealing with studying, how to get 80s etc., check them out. Good luck..go forward with a positive attitude and don;t look back, just learn fromthis experience.

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I agree with future_doc... I'm gonna keep those words in mind for myself haha.


Although that mark hurts, there are ways around it. From my understanding you can:


A) Pull those marks up by doing well in future years. Might consider doing a masters.

B) Choose your med school wisely. eg. Western will take only your two best full years... and Ottawa has a special weighting formula =)


So, don't worry. There's still hope!

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happened to me in CEGEP, so I know from experience..best thing that ever happened to me, no fast track med school, I had to focus and quickly, turned over a new leaf, became straight A student due to continuous hard work always, increased my maturity....and I am on track....it is definitely doable, all you neded is motivation, self-reflection, prioritization, an action plan, implementation, time management skills, stasy focused always on the goal

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Well Quester, not all people agree, but I appreciate you saying this.


Today, I just added the 2nd person to my ignore list. I enjoy trying to be helpful but from now on whenever I encounter someone who is rude, mocking, etc., I just cut contact and will not see their posts again. I am going to try to restrict my future comments to helping others if I am able to contain myself. This thread will become enjoysble once more by following this route. Any time I can help, my pleasure on a thread or by PM, that is what we are here for I think, to help each other.

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First year GPA is 3.03 how comfortable should I feel with this? It isnt spectacular by any sense of the word, but will it haunt me in the future?


not to scare u or anything but I think it will haunt u for sure, I am feeling it now for myself. It still hurts to see a possible 4.0 GPA overall lowered to mid 3.8 for Mcmaster when only 4 bad 70s were included. I am speaking my honest feeling right now, it hurts. However what I do wanna say is that if u give up now then medicine will only be a dream, but if u work hard and get high gpa's in the next 2 years at least u will get a chance for most schools . I am a perfectionist so I wanted to be competitive at every single med school, ignore my ranting :). Future_Doc is a great help btw.

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Well Quester, not all people agree, but I appreciate you saying this.


Today, I just added the 2nd person to my ignore list. I enjoy trying to be helpful but from now on whenever I encounter someone who is rude, mocking, etc., I just cut contact and will not see their posts again. I am going to try to restrict my future comments to helping others if I am able to contain myself. This thread will become enjoysble once more by following this route. Any time I can help, my pleasure on a thread or by PM, that is what we are here for I think, to help each other.

I lol'd hard. :rolleyes:



3.03 will hurt you basically at all schools that accept cGPA. It shouldn't hurt too terribly though since most people applying to schools that use cGPAs instead of special cutoffs like best 2 or last 2 years usually are a fair bit lower but not by much. Just do the math and assume you get 3.9's or whatever you think is realistic for the next 3 years and determine your cGPA from that.

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Real life gets in the way for us all. It is only a bump in the road. What is important is to go forward in the face of adversity. Dedication, ability to overcome obstacles and mistakes, making more responsible choices, self-reflection is an ongoing process that requires character building skills.


The glass is half full, never half empty. I was privileged to know a wheelchair bound lady, failed double organ transplant, junior diabetic who was so very happy for her blessings and made every person with whom she came in contact a better person. This lady had a zest for life, was always optimistic and lived a full life with many friends. Children of all ages living in her apt building came directly to visit her from school, she was like the pied piper, only positive energy flowed in her aura and her influence upon others was remarkable. The simplest action was a challenge, just another obstacle to overcome, her life was full. Be positive!

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Children of all ages living in her apt building came directly to visit her from school, she was like the pied piper, only positive energy flowed in her aura and her influence upon others was remarkable.
Not to derail this thread, but the Pied Piper kidnapped the children of Hamelin by playing his music. In most accounts of the story, he lead the children to their death. Maybe not the best analogy to use for a woman who inspired you by her optimism! lol.


But I get what you were saying. She sounds like she would be a great inspiration.

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Not to derail this thread, but the Pied Piper kidnapped the children of Hamelin by playing his music. In most accounts of the story, he lead the children to their death. Maybe not the best analogy to use for a woman who inspired you by her optimism! lol.


But I get what you were saying. She sounds like she would be a great inspiration.

LMAO! 10 charsss

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