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"Duration" in Awards and Accomplishments Activities

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Okay- so I'm doing the last minute little things for my OMSAS app, and I'm totally confused with the "duration" part we have to fill out for the Awards/Accomplishments activities section. What the heck do they mean by duration? If it's a scholarship would I just put N/A or what? Same problem with my "skater of the year" and "most sportsmanlike skater" awards- what do I put for duration? I'd leave it blank but it keeps asking me for something there. The Awards and Accomplishments activities are seriously the only things I have left!



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Thanks! That makes sense. I was just confused because you also need to put the date in for the intial stuff before you can put in the specifics (oh wow.. that really doesn't make sense). I think I'll put what skating season the skating awards were for, and what years the school awards were for.


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for one time awards I put the date that I received them, then under duration I put something along the lines of "1 time award for X of performance" where X would be something like "1 year" or something like that... whatever would really fit the character limitation. I think that using N/A also works just fine, and I don't think it really matters whether you put the date you got it, or the time period that it was for... because in the end you can explain it better in the description/competition.

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