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Ok grad students, now on to the CV

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Hi everyone,


I was wondering if us grad students wanted to make a thread to discuss issues concerning the grad supp package and the CV.


I have absolutely no publications or papers as I'm in a course based program. So, my CV has the headings of:



Employment & Research Experience

Volunteer Experience


Awards & Accomplishments


I am also getting three of my profs to write the extra letters.


Anyone else?



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Hi everyone,


I was wondering if us grad students wanted to make a thread to discuss issues concerning the grad supp package and the CV.


I have absolutely no publications or papers as I'm in a course based program. So, my CV has the headings of:



Employment & Research Experience

Volunteer Experience


Awards & Accomplishments


I am also getting three of my profs to write the extra letters.


Anyone else?




Just out of curiosity, what discipline is your master's program?

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Hi everyone,


I was wondering if us grad students wanted to make a thread to discuss issues concerning the grad supp package and the CV.


I have absolutely no publications or papers as I'm in a course based program. So, my CV has the headings of:



Employment & Research Experience

Volunteer Experience


Awards & Accomplishments


I am also getting three of my profs to write the extra letters.


Anyone else?





Thanks for starting this thread. I was thinking of doing something of this sort myself. I think your headings are all good. It will cover all things necessary. Since my master's is research-based, I would have a section with publications and one for posters/presentations, but other than that it would be the same. I was thinking of getting two more letters, one from a post-doc that I was working with, and another from a physician I was shadowing. But, since I found out that the letters can only be research-related, I am just getting the former only.


So, in these sections that you have mentioned, should we be elaborating on activities. For example,


Hospital: responsbile for blah blah blah

did blah blah blah

Is this you would do?


Another question is about the length of the CV. How long should/could it be? Is there an ideal length?


Last question for now, can there be things on it that weren't on your OMSAS sketch or in your PS. I was starting to volunteer at a homeless shelter and also planning to do some oversees volunteering. Since these activities hadn't started by OMSAS's deadline, can I include it on my CV? I am afraid that they won't be taken seriously as there is no way of verifying them.


Any thoughts?

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Hi everyone,


I was wondering if us grad students wanted to make a thread to discuss issues concerning the grad supp package and the CV.


I have absolutely no publications or papers as I'm in a course based program. So, my CV has the headings of:



Employment & Research Experience

Volunteer Experience


Awards & Accomplishments


I am also getting three of my profs to write the extra letters.


Anyone else?




Interesting. I haven't seperated out volunteer and EC sections before. Then again, I wasn't applying to medical school. I have a feeling this resume will be longer than one page......god. Best advice will prolly be from previous grad apps who got in!

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Public health :)


I would recommend this program to anyone looking for a semi-professional program (there are MDs, RNs, a DDS, as well as people who have just graduated from undergrad - great mix of people).


Yes I am interested, so it was an MPH program?


Where did you take it, and what kind of academic grounding do you need to do well in a program like that?

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I split up my EC's and volunteering because they are very different for me (eg yoga and running fanatic vs being a Big Sister).


I wrote two sentences for most points. Eg,


"Big Sister" with Big Sisters of Toronto (Dates - Dates)

- Act as mentor and positive role model for “Little Sister.” Engage in weekly interaction and a variety of activities.


Graduate Award XXXX (Award amount) (Dates - Dates)

- Awarded to high-ranking graduate student entering secong year of full-time graduate program.


So far my CV is 4 pages. I'm not going over 4 pages though, no matter how much editing I do. How long are everyone elses?

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I split up my EC's and volunteering because they are very different for me (eg yoga and running fanatic vs being a Big Sister).


I wrote two sentences for most points. Eg,


"Big Sister" with Big Sisters of Toronto (Dates - Dates)

- Act as mentor and positive role model for “Little Sister.” Engage in weekly interaction and a variety of activities.


Graduate Award XXXX (Award amount) (Dates - Dates)

- Awarded to high-ranking graduate student entering secong year of full-time graduate program.


So far my CV is 4 pages. I'm not going over 4 pages though, no matter how much editing I do. How long are everyone elses?


Good call on the two sentances per

yeah the length is tricky. I've never had a resume over a page, so wondering how long these can be. I will only include major ECs and things, and i can see it geting to perhaps 3 although i'll aim for 2. I dont have publications/research so i doubt i'll hit 4. that''s alot for me anyway

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haha.. all I have is ECs and volunteering! With no publications I have to showcase that I'd be a good candidate for U of T in other ways.


But yes, my CV is basically a recap of my 48 items, but organized better. I'm an RN so I have a bunch of advanced nursing courses that went into "other" in OMSAS, but are going into my "Certifications & Special Training" section. I couldn't put my ACLS, PALS and TTNC courses in formal education, and now I can play up the teamwork aspect of these courses.


If you have publications/papers to showcase, I'd highlight those aspects. There was only so much room in OMSAS for you research oriented folks...

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the nursing stuff sounds really good

not sure if putting all 48 items is a good thing though.....i'm only putting down major items from my sketch......they do have it so if you couldnt expand alot on something impt in the sketch, perhaps here is a good place


i'm pretty sure they get a ton of grad applicants so dont wanna fall into the trap where i think they have more time to read through my CV.......just my take

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Are you guys getting an extra 3 letters? Does it look bad if you get less than that?


i think i will send one extra with my CV. And even that, is not from a direct supervisor. I dont think its a real requirement. I mean, 6 different pov sounds a little over the top, but if you can get 6 killer refs might as well. For me it'll just be the one. I was in a course based masters that ran 8 months and my program director was one of my omsas 3.



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I don't think you HAVE to mention your volunteer/ECs on your CV, but I think the most important and relevant should be mentioned for sure. The admission people say that the CV can be used to expand on a few of your sketch items. I am definitely mentioning some of my ECs and volunteer experiences in more detail on the CV, as my PS was very research based. This will give them an idea (in more detail) of other activities that have helped me improve other traits necessary for a physician - teamwork, communication, leadership, etc.

And I also have to put down publications and posters/presentations so that's another section. Overall I see my CV being about 4 pgs as well.


My question is can we mention things on the CV that weren't mentioned on the sketch? Like if you have done something from now till December?

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I don't think you HAVE to mention your volunteer/ECs on your CV, but I think the most important and relevant should be mentioned for sure. The admission people say that the CV can be used to expand on a few of your sketch items. I am definitely mentioning some of my ECs and volunteer experiences in more detail on the CV, as my PS was very research based. This will give them an idea (in more detail) of other activities that have helped me improve other traits necessary for a physician - teamwork, communication, leadership, etc.

And I also have to put down publications and posters/presentations so that's another section. Overall I see my CV being about 4 pgs as well.


My question is can we mention things on the CV that weren't mentioned on the sketch? Like if you have done something from now till December?


i would. what can it hurt?

PS (this is a good thread!)

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Well, because anything other than publications can't really be verified. So applicants can say all sorts of things. That's why I am wondering about how the admission committee considers them.


lots of things on the sketch were not pubs and they could be verified

if the adcom wants verification they will ask

id cross that bridge if i had to but i'd err on giving myself the benefit of the doubt

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ok, my CV is almost 4 pages before putting in ECs.....to leave it purely academic or not....that is the question....hmmmmm


wow.....i think mine is gonna be the shortest by far! How are you all getting 4 pages or so? publications, research?


I have education and work exp on one page, and ECs/volunteering/A&A on another 1.5 pages (which i was trying to cut to just one page!)

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lots of things on the sketch were not pubs and they could be verified

if the adcom wants verification they will ask

id cross that bridge if i had to but i'd err on giving myself the benefit of the doubt


I agree. What I am saying is, for example, in the next 2 months if I were to do a new activity, there is no way of really verifying it, is there, as it is not on my sketch. So I am wondering about things like those.

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