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Fulltime status?!?

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Hey just wondering if im still considered fulltime if I'm only taking 4 courses? Im at OttawaU and im still classified as a fulltime student if im taking 4 courses per semester. I haven't done this before but I have this really bad prof for a chem class and I really dont want it hurting my GPA, I still have the course but thinking of dropping it (Nov 2 is the deadline to withdraw without penalty). How would this apply to other schools? Has anyone does this before? Thanks :)

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you should be ok for all medschools in ontario except uofottawa... this is what they say:


"A full-time academic year where the equivalent of four (4) full-year courses is taken is accepted and counted in the WGPA calculation only if the missing course/credit is completed either as an additional course within another academic year or as a summer course."


so you need to take another full year course in the summer or in another academic year

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Hey just wondering if im still considered fulltime if I'm only taking 4 courses? Im at OttawaU and im still classified as a fulltime student if im taking 4 courses per semester. I haven't done this before but I have this really bad prof for a chem class and I really dont want it hurting my GPA, I still have the course but thinking of dropping it (Nov 2 is the deadline to withdraw without penalty). How would this apply to other schools? Has anyone does this before? Thanks :)


It does happen all the time, so don't worry about that :)


You might want to look at U of T's drop a course policy as well, and western will not consider a year with less than 5.0 courses in it.


Doing 6 courses next term if you drop a course this term by the way would remove both of the above "issues". If you are doing really bad it is general a good idea to drop the course regardless (GPA is king after all) but still there are effects.

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I know, I know - this question gets asked over and over. But, I thought I read somehwere that Queens considers three courses as full-time. Is this correct? I did my first year in two part time years with the second part-time year having three classes each semester (I was HEAVILY involved in athletics). This year, however, I am full-time (5 courses) and feel much less busy than last year. Are there any other schools where 3 courses counts as full-time?

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I know, I know - this question gets asked over and over. But, I thought I read somehwere that Queens considers three courses as full-time. Is this correct? I did my first year in two part time years with the second part-time year having three classes each semester (I was HEAVILY involved in athletics). This year, however, I am full-time (5 courses) and feel much less busy than last year. Are there any other schools where 3 courses counts as full-time?


Pretty much Queens is it really - but in your case I don't see the part time year thing probably isn't that much of a barrier. In end you will still be able to apply to most of the schools and you have an explanation for your part time status.

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