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IQ Publications PAT. I'm oh so confused

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I don't know if any of you are using IQ publications for practicing PAT (I went through the crack dat pat software), but I'm having a lot of trouble with Test C, especially with apertures. I thought the TFE (usually my most difficult section) was a joke, but for apertures, even after looking at the answer, some of the questions just don't make sense. Are there any mistakes in the book? Or am I just aperture challenged? To be exact, this is in reference to questions 4 and 10.

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you are definitely going to run into trouble if you can't do IQ pubs.


But I've gone over all of the kaplan online PAT exercises, as well as all the 10 tests on crack dat pat, and I'm still having major difficulties with IQ publications PAT. I'm not sure how i can proceed to improve my score. It's not like I can go back to the answer choices and learn anything. "Oh look, this answer choice is 1 mm off from that answer choice" or "oh look, in this question, they decided to draw it to scale." Is the actual DAT going to be this ambiguous?

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I looked at the questions that you referred to, and I didn't see any problem with any of the answers


I found IQ publication PAT to be easier when compared to others i.e. kaplan


Maybe you have a different ed which i'm not aware of, or just printing problem?


pm me if you still have issues with those qusetions..

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