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'places resided in'

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It say "List ALL of the communities in which you have resided beginning with the most recent."


1) Does this include the current place of residence? It does not let me enter it if I don't include an end date - would the end date just be nov. 1? (even though I'm still living there obviously...) (and it's not a rural area)


2) I was born in Canada, but lived in another country (not a rural city either) with my relatives shortly after I was born and came back here when I was 4. I aslo qualify for resident status in that other city.


I don't have much memory of those 3 years lol... so I have no non-family references for this whatsoever. Most of them also came to Canada after (so the area codes wouldn't match) and they don't speak English. Should I just skip this? Although the chances are slim, I'm just worried that this might appear somewhere in the interview...if I mention something about where I lived for those 3 years.

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