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Not having all pre-reqs at time of application

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I will be applying next June, and I, unfortunately, won't have my biology or english courses by then. I will be taking them the following year (fall-winter 2010-2011), but I was wondering if this will be a problem.


Specifically, would the Admissions Committee be less likely to look at my appplication or view me as being less serious about this path for not having all my pre-reqs complete?



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you generally have until the time of matriculation to finish prereqs. There are some schools that are more picky (e.g. Cornell asks you to finish prereqs before Jan 1st.) But you'll be good for almost all schools. I haven't come across any schools that are less likely to look at ur app because of incomplete courses. You'll be fine.

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Although technically it shouldn't matter, it sounds like you will be missing 4 courses from the pre-reqs. I would probably try to bring that down to 1-2 missing pre-reqs. Schools seem to want to see the grades from pre-reqs so if you are missing too many it might be a slight problem. At least that's what I've heard/read.

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Thanks for the advice!


I will be missing my first year biology, organic chemistry, and then english. I have taken writing courses, but some schools I contacted didn't accept the course I took as a writing course, so I decided to take english next year.


I have taken biochemistry (I know that's not a replacement for first year general biology) but I dropped my biology grade after I took biochemistry, so i'm hoping they will still see that as some indication of my standing.

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