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Whining about interviews....need motivation.


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Hey guys,


so yes, I'm whining alright? In the new year, a lot of interview invites will come out. Some will come my way. And common sense dictates that I should start preparing for interviews over these hols. However, I don't really want to do anything! I don't want to read the news (my eyes glaze over), nor do I want to do mock interviews--> I've done two so far with my family, and I end up sounding like an idiot!


Sooo....I was just wondering if the rest of y'all were prepping and how you found the motivation to do so? And more importantly, if you'd be willing to share your tips and tricks.


I honestly do sound like a ditz, even to myself! I think the problem is, that I have an idea of what i want to respond with, but the words just dont come to mind! what should I do? Read lotsa books? Improve my language? If only I sounded more confident.


Kay, my apologies for the whining. I just need some motivation from others who've been in this place before. =) Thank you, happy holidays!

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