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Married, Commuting?

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My fiance and I are getting married this summer, but we both live in different cities and are in school (I'm in 1st year meds, he's in first year law).


Right now we both live really close to our campuses, but once we're married we're debating moving in together somewhere in between. The best location is a 40ish minute drive to my campus and a 35ish minute drive to his.. without traffic. (And, during rush hours, there is definitely traffic)


Any advice would be helpful! Is anyone doing the commute to med school right now? How are you finding it?



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I'm married and my husband works in a different city than my medical school is in. Right now, I commute to school from our home, which is in the same city as husband's work. I have to leave ~1.5 hours before class starts to make it into the classroom on time. So far, it's not too bad. I definitely don't revel my 6:30am wake-up time, but I'm finding the drive is a good chance for me to gear up before and de-stress after a day at school. I worry about what it'll be like during 3rd/4th year, when my hours will be drastically different, but for now it's working.


One thing I do that really helps is to try to stay over in Winnipeg (where I go to school) a couple nights a week... it doesn't sound like much, but a couple chances a week to avoid all that driving makes a difference in maintaining my sanity.


I guess the point of all this is that it can be done, and done successfully, if you set up your new commuter lifestyle in a way that makes it feasible for you. For me, it was finding a way to get a break once in a while by staying in Winnipeg some nights. For you, it might be something else. But, like I said, you can definitely do it if you have/want to.

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I'm at Mac, my husband is in teacher's college in Toronto. We both live in Hamilton. I think it's better if only one person has to commute. Since my program is longer and has stranger hours, luckily I'm not the one who has to, which is nice. It sucks, but if it's only for a while you can live with it.

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